What happens in the future when all the money has dried up and you can't anymore?


New member
Jun 21, 2008
How do we support all these social programs in the future that are being put into place now? I mean financially. The rich's money will be redistributed so the rich won't have any. If they do they will hide it now, if their smart. We won't be able to borrow anymore. Our high taxes will be paying for today's outrages loans. Since there won't be anymore rich to depend on to pay the taxes for us. So are all these programs just going to be cut off? Will the people who became dependent on these programs be left out in the cold? How in the long term can all these programs we can't afford now are we going to be able to afford in the future?
I mean 'can't borrow anymore'.
The problem is that these people and politicians aren't looking that far ahead. They are in the now and that's scary.. It is unfortunate that lessons haven't been learned from history.. Throwing money at problems has never worked. The ones that will suffer first are the taxpayers and every average joe not on any of these programs.. We will be the first to fall.. It is really sad that people can't understand that it is time to scale back and to have budgets that we can afford. There never should have been a time when borrowing money to live was allowed. Right now what I believe should be going on is budget cuts because you are right you can only borrow so much.. When it's gone it's gone...We as a nation need to be self sufficient/reliant otherwise we just keep ending up in the mess we are in. Politicians have done nothing but cause this mess and line their pockets, and as soon as people really realize this maybe something will change.. My motto has always been if I can't afford it I don't get it so why can't our government do this. It's not rocket science. The people of the US need to take a stand and take the power back from these crooks...
Well, money drying up and borrowing being difficult is what has already happened. The economy relies on endeavour, which is wealth generation. This in turn relies on fluidity of capital, the ability to borrow, lend, and move resources around. In the modern capitalist system, banks are the bodies that do this, but because so many have screwed up, the fluidity has largely disappeared.

Banks are reluctant to lend to other banks, fearing they will lose the loan. This means they won't lend to business or to us, and the economy goes into dead-slow. Consumption decreases as people fear to spend money. Production decreases as people aren't buying and companies can't get day-to-day fluidity. Unemployment goes up, further decreasing consumption. A vicious circle.

Government has three roles it can play:

1) Encourage banks to DO THEIR JOB and increase fluidity to the economy. This means bailing out banks, though this should be with major strings attached so as to avoid similar problems in the future and discourage failure of management.

2) Stimulate the economy by creating work to be done. Large and small infrastructure projects are a good way of doing this, as it creates work for many companies and their employees. It also gets useful things built that would not get done if short-term profit decided it.

3) Provide a minimal cushion for those who have lost jobs. There aren't enough jobs to go round in a recession, so some people, likely many, will not have them. Tax money can relieve suffering, though this should be in a need basis and should not encourage a dependence society. The level of this will depend on how compassionate the society is.

However, all this takes taxpayers money. The sooner the recovery, the sooner is prosperity and major wealth generation again, so it will be a trade off between how much is spent versus how much will be gained. It will be up to the government and the acceptance of taxpayers how much can be afforded - there are no hard and fast rules about this.

If done correctly, endeavour and prosperity will return sooner. People will no longer need benefits as employment goes up. Banks, having learned their lessons, will do a good job and repay government loans over a period of years, with interest. The infrastructure gains will be a benefit to society for many years to come.

If done correctly, that is!
Why didn't anyone complain during the Bush,Cheney con artist years?They started with a record SURPLUS and created a trillion dollar deficit,with another trillion (actually more).I'm not even talking about the national debt.People should look at the abuse of tax payers money to the banks and A.I.G.,Bush Cheney had no transparency!These sites below will show you the links to the hundreds of billions pilfered in Iraq,by the u.s. military and private contractors.And I hope if you lose your job because of what Bush,Cheney did you can get some help!Hundreds of Billions of US Dollars on Pallets Sent to Iraq: What Could Possibly go Wrong?
Why didn't anyone complain during the Bush,Cheney con artist years?They started with a record SURPLUS and created a trillion dollar deficit,with another trillion (actually more).I'm not even talking about the national debt.People should look at the abuse of tax payers money to the banks and A.I.G.,Bush Cheney had no transparency!These sites below will show you the links to the hundreds of billions pilfered in Iraq,by the u.s. military and private contractors.And I hope if you lose your job because of what Bush,Cheney did you can get some help!Hundreds of Billions of US Dollars on Pallets Sent to Iraq: What Could Possibly go Wrong?
This is UTOPIA !!

without money.. a lot of the world's problems disappear..

I have pondered your question now for over twenty years of my life infact..

My current conclusion is we would need ot adopt a truly fair system if we are to not have money..

every person on earth would be tied to a uniform currency which is registered against their names somehow.. and they increase their postiion and worth by the work they do.. so someone who works hard all their lives aquires a conmesurate reward for that effort.. which will include certain entitlements to foods, entertainment and travel etcentera.. the rich class would be wiped out overnight.. their money rendered worthless.. their homes taken away.. for the best homes will be reserved for those who make the biggest phyisical contributions to society..

so instead of thieving bankers living in mansions and waterfronts.. you will have firemen, scientists.. doctors and nurses.. mostly nurses.. inventors .. people whoi really make the biggest contributions get to have the best cars and homes..

you wont need money.. everyone has a currency they are born with.. ABILITY !! even if it is as a social worker .. or a telephonist.. the rewards will not be a rat ridden studio granny flat.. no.. a small house for such a job is fair.. not a high rent squat where many hard working low paid workers currently live ..

rewards would not be centred around money.. and making money .. you would not buy anything.. you would aquire a right to it..

there would be ample supply of things.. but rather than sell it in shops.. people would be welcomed to take it free.. provided they gave society their labor or ideas or headspace or whatever first.. then they get rewarded in afair way..

homes would all be built of a decent quality.. no more squats no more public housing.. no more projects and ghettos.. everyone gets a house.. and there would be a lot of jobs to knock down apartment blocks.. rebuild parkalnds.. and then rebuild new houses in other areas.. build necesary infrastructure.. so there is plenty of work for everyone all over the planet.. and people could work all over the world throughout their lives.. aquiring a standard reward for labor.. everyone is EQUAL !!!

you work.. you get.. doesnt matter what color you are.. you give an idea.. you get .. period.. you help others.. you make a difference ot things.. you receive rewards.. its simple..

rewards would be based on some kind of reasonable and workable methodology.. and products owuld be made by workers who also get credits for making the stuff.. its a revolving door when you tihnk about it.. a very simple system which always keeps people in work.. and instead of winding monetary and fiscal policy up and down to tweak the ebb and flows of humanity .. you simply twaek the amount of hours people are required ot work for their credits..

so if scarcity hits.. like now.. and we have a depression.. you get either get less credits or there are less available items.. and most importantly.. you work less.. there is less work.. sure less travel too.. and less luxuries.. but hey.. enjoy life ! no rent no bills no credit cards, no car loans.. no headaches..

beats the two mass murders and countless other recession driven acts of violence we are seeing.. which are typical of depressive times in capitalist economies.. my plan has the exact opposite effect during a depression.. and food stocks are never threatened.. waterways and rivers will all be totally natural and maintained clean at all times.. jobs create credits and we need jobs.. so there will be plenty of work for milleniums just to clean up our beaches and rivers.. and replant food stocks instead of heroin, cocain and tobacco stocks.. not to mention all the ingredients used for alcohol products globally.. !!!

finally.. a new global industry will be developed which will attract some of the highest possible rewards on earth.. SPACE SCIENCES !!!

humanity must discover the solar system .. we live on potentially borrowed time.. lets get over the hollywood films now.. and look at reality.. last monday we were nearly struck by a random meteorite that had only been detected days earlier.. hurtling towards earth at God speed.. it missed us by 66,000KM.. the moon is 384,000KM away !!! it passed only twice the distance of our satelites away from earth as satelites are 35,000KM up.. space science in my plan replaces most industries which will be globally banded together in the most resourceful way to ensure critical exploration and discovery missions go ahea totally unstalled and unabated by economic woes.. it amazes me that we humans would rather struggle through an economic depression time and time again.. rather than adopt a no cash system where we can all be working towards something we all are amazed by.. it's the one thing which binds us all and makes us all equals.. coz not one human knows what is out there !!!

that's where i'm currently at..

that's the best I've come up with so far..

Oh.. and "Guantozero" who posts a few beneath me.. the banks are the whole problem buddy.. I've been a banker for 17 years and a senior bank executive, General Manager and Managing Director.. all in banking.. for 17 years !!

I've quit now.. but was there long enough to know hands down that banks play no role in humanitys long term future. NONE whatsoever !! they will fail so misrerably eventually to be rendered incompetetant, worthless by their own diction and pointless to society there-after..
Excellent question - this is what people fail to see about Obama's 'changes'. Instead of trying to do something about the banking crisis (which is something the government can help), he is pushing through every liberal program on their 'socialist' wish list.

What happens in the future is that the country will be bankrupt - insolvent - foreign lenders will 'foreclose' on us, and the only place to go for relief will be a global banking system. Of course this will come at the price of our sovereignty - exactly what globalist Obama (and Bush and the Clintons) have been working to achieve.
That is what we must work to avoid by ignoring the question of debt and working together NOW by halting debt expendature internationally.

In otherwords, imagine cutting up all the credit cards of the world.
My advice to you is to teach your kids Spanish. By the time this is over, Americans will be migrant farmers picking bananas in Honduras, a province Union of Bolivarian Socialist Republic, UBSR, led by Hugo Chavez. Europe will be a single state, poor, socialist, and dirty. Like Russia with cheap wine instead of cheap vodka. China will be thriving, India puttering along, Africa more or less the same.