Mp3: The Vault: The Atomic Numbers' Lack Of Success Doesn't Add Up



There are some big changes coming to the site, and we promise that after they take place, you will not have to read anywhere near as many MP3 posts that contain the following elements:
- A breathless rave about an album released between 1998 and 2002 that no one really cares about.
- The phrase "hooky power-pop."
- A closing-sentence lament that said album is now available on Amazon for a mere penny.
But those new editorial mandates are still a few weeks away, and in the meantime, we treat you to a write-up that contains not one, but all three of those elements! So enjoy these tracks from Detroit's now-disbanded Atomic Numbers, a group whose Clinton-era, power-popping output can be yours for a mere 1/100th of a dollar:
The Atomic Numbers - In Your Power [MP3]
The Atomic Numbers - Creature Comforts [MP3]
