What gives the Mormon Church the right to call themselves Christian?


May 13, 2008
Obviously, they are non-christian and just a cult started by joe smith a convicted criminal, fraudster, treasure seeker and sexual deviant.

Who do these Mormons think they're trying to fool?
To some extent, ANY religion could be defined as a cult.

And the Mormon Church has the right to call itself Christian, because it is a sect of Christianity. Why must you be so judgmental toward a different version of YOUR religion?
They have every right. Their religion is no more valid than any other. It's not the "Mormon Church" by the way. It's "The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints".

At least smokin' Joe got it right by putting the guy's name in the title of his friggin' church. But...that's about all he got right by my reckon.
The Book of Mormon actually mentions Christ more often than the Bible.

"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. "
1 Nephi 25:26
It is not illegal to say you are christian or a christian organisation unless you do it for some criminal purpose. So why not.
Well my friend,I'm no Mormon.But they are fooling awhole lot of people.i agree with you,about them being an occult,but the problem is we have alot of people that for one are growing up in there church and there parents don't know any better,and then you have the ones that just don't read their bible and will believe anything.And some just want to belong,and as for them calling themselves christians,well we have alot of that going around,look at the catholic church,just as occult as mormons and jehovah witnesses,then you have TBN,and all the other professing so called christians that believe everything they've been taught since childhood.
Like most professing christianity believes that Jesus was crucified on friday and rose on sunday.....no such thing,that is not what my bible says.My bible does not teach the trinity either,these are doctrines of the catholic church,both of them.Christmas also.Has nothing to do with JESUS.My bible teaches we,well let me show you in Jeremiah 10:
Do not learn the way of the Gentiles;
Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven,
For the Gentiles are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the peoples are futile;
For one cuts a tree from the forest,
The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax.
4 They decorate it with silver and gold;
They fasten it with nails and hammers
So that it will not topple.

That is as clear as day light.How about easter as well,early sunrise service.Jesus didn't rise sunrise.
Lets see what the bible says.:
1On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2They found the stone rolled away from the tomb,

See,they went very early in the morning and He was already gone.And also,hope you know this.Gods days starts from eavning to eaving.
Lets go see in Genesis.8 God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day. 23 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.
Do you see,according too Gods days,they start from evening to evening.Even to this day the true christians that keep Gods holy days and the commandments as a way of life,not for salvation.But as a way of life,along with jews we start our Sabbath on friday evening till Sabbath(saterday) evening.So when it says that the woman came on the first day of the week early in the morning and He was gone,I'm sure He had been gone right after the sabbath,which ended on Saterday evening.Also the prophecy in Daniel
Christ was to confirm the covenant for one week. According to the day-for-a-year principle, the seven days of that week equal seven years. Yet, in the midst of the week, the Messiah was to cause the sacrifice and oblations to cease. This was done by offering His own life to cover the sins of humanity, as part of God’s Plan of salvation. The Messiah was “cut off” (vs. 26) in the “midst of the week”—after 3½ “days,” or prophetic years. His earthly ministry lasted precisely 3½ years. Then He was cut off—crucified—in the middle of the week—Wednesday. In this prophecy, the “midst of the week” had a dual meaning, as does most prophecy.

Since Christ’s ministry began in the autumn of A.D. 27, this means that He was crucified in the spring of A.D. 31, or 3½ years later.
Christ’s final Passover completed His earthly ministry of 3½ years. Again, it began in the autumn of A.D. 27 and ended in the spring of A.D. 31, on a Wednesday—in the “midst of the week.” Traditional Christianity claims that Christ’s crucifixion occurred on a Friday, in A.D. 33. However, it can easily be documented by God’s Sacred Calendar that none of the four Passovers during Christ’s ministry fell on a Friday. The four Passovers fell on Monday (A.D. 28), Saturday (A.D. 29), Wednesday (A.D. 30), and Wednesday (A.D. 31), respectively.
i agree about what you say about joseph smith we should not expect human churches to be perfect as we as people are not perfect not saying not go to church just saying be careful were you go we are sheeps in a world of wolfs be wise as serpants and gentle as doves as we are commanded mat10:16 also preaching by condeming people is not very affective if you do not believe simply say no you may not talk to me i dont believe in what you have to say good day i mean the fact they have a book of mormon wow i know but just do as jesus commanded his disciples go door to door and if they dont accept you dust off your feet bro lets jus be a lil more zealous for God and lean off the hatred they might come around who knows but we do know in the end we all as individuals are judged and held responsible for us and nobody else i mean if you go to jail no one does your time for you but you my friend i hope this is help ful in CHRIST TRAVIS
well, i guess they believe in Christ as their saviour and as such, anyone who claims like so is therefore dubbed Christian. I personally don't believe in the Mormon way of life, but I have had several close friends growing up that were in it. I truly believe that they seem brainwashed to me, like they exclude anyone who isn't in their group.

But then again... many groups do this. And not just religious. Wiccan, athiests, KKK, many people of different beliefs. They have a right to do as they please, but it doesn't mean I'm going to agree with it.

Of course, it is hard to tell someone how wrong they are when they believe that they are so right and that you are so wrong.
Not that I think the Mormon faith is anywhere approaching sane, but what gives any Christian sect the right to call themselves christian? None of the follow them bible exactly.
I think the original Mormon-ism had good intentions, then somehow turned into a cultish child-abusing rapist monogamy-hating group of koolaid-drinking druggies.

But yeah I didn't even know people call them Christian. They are just called Mormons.
..."anyone" can call themselves anything they want to call themselves... Just because I like to stand in a Garage, doesn't make me a "car'. Jesus clearly explained that you will know "them" (His followers) by their Fruit
who gave the protestants the right to call themselves christians?
when in FACT the catholics coined the word
and are the very first christians
Their leaders say they are. We know it but they think Smith is God's right hand man. Their leaders extract 5 billion a year from them. Who's fooling who?

A fool who knows he's a fool is much wiser then a fool who thinks he's wise.

You could say that about the rest of the relgions that are man made, one is as bad as the other.
"Obviously, they are non-christian and just a cult started by joe smith a convicted criminal, fraudster, treasure seeker and sexual deviant."

So what? the main Christian churches were just a cult started by Paul, a murderer, fraudster, and laughable prude.

What makes your faith so much better than theirs?