
  1. A

    How's the book of mormon?

    what's in the book of mormon? and y should i stay away from their beliefs
  2. C

    Did Romney’s Baggage Have a Mormon Oath of Vengeance Against US & Joseph

    Smith’s Apocalyptic Prophecy? A Prophecy for War with Russia?
  3. S

    Do you think Joseph Smith, Mormon founder/prophet saw Jesus Christ, who...

    ...told Joseph to translate gold plates? And now Joseph is on Kolob eating kokaubeam berries?
  4. T

    #62 The Book of Mormon for LDS Families 2 Nephi 20:13 - Sep 17,2012

    I love the scriptures!!! Wow...the metaphors through this reading are significant and can contain such great depth! We are compared to tools such as the ax or saw and asked if tools challenge the one uses them or created them. I believe this gives great insight to the true nature of our...
  5. E

    What is the Mormon "Oath of Vengeance against USA" - Why do they swear that oath?

    What is the Mormon "Oath of Vengeance against USA" - Why do they swear that oath? The oath of vengeance was an addition made to the Nauvoo Endowment under the direction of Brigham Young by 1845 in the Nauvoo Temple, soon after the 1844 death of Joseph Smith, Jr..[1] Participants agreed to be...
  6. B

    Why are the people on Mormon chat bashing all of the canidates except Romney?

    I thought the lds weren't voting on the guys religion. If Mittens wins Arizon was it due mainly to the Mormon vote?
  7. J

    Is Bakersfield CA a big Mormon community?

    Just curious if Bakersfield is known for having a lot of Mormons.
  8. N

    Does Twilight have Mormon themes?

    Is the saga seriously based on Meyer's Mormon theology and worldview.
  9. O

    Should the media do more to educate people about what Mormon history, and...

    ...teachings are? LOL? Gallup found 18 percent of Republicans and 19 percent of independents would not vote for a Mormon, while 27 percent of Democrats would not.
  10. K

    Mormon Jesus vs Muslim Isa vs Catholic Jesus vs JW Jesus/Michael the Archangel?

    Who would win in a no-holds-barred cage match?
  11. J

    What would anyone follow the Mormon religion?!? Just watch that! Its short.
  12. J

    Ezekiel 37:15-20. prophecy for the Book of Mormon?

    In the Hebrew the word pronounced ‘ets’ means wood, tree or stick and was translated in the KJV Bible as ‘stick’ (e.g. Numbers 15:32, 1 Kings 17:10,) In Hebrew the word pronounced ‘sepher’ means scroll or book and was translated as ‘scroll’ in Isaiah 34:4. In verse 15 the LORD told Ezekiel...
  13. M

    Mormon belief proven true by the Bible about Christ and Satan?

    As if it's a surprise lol. Hebrews 1 6And again, when he (meaning God the Father) bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. 7And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. Luke 3:38Which was...
  14. M

    Mormon converts: when and how were you introduced to the gospel of Christ?

    I was born into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have studied everything about it including the history and I know it is the only true church on the earth and I know the Bible and the Book of Mormon are the word of God. I'm proud to say that I was born into the church. That...
  15. M

    I am Mormon but am doubting some things.....?

    Hey guys, I am just voicing some thoughts that have been running through my head lately...... I'm only 15 years old, keep that in mind while reading. I am a Mormon, (church of jesus christ of latter day saints) While I believe that all of the principles that the church teaches are true and help...
  16. I

    What is the Mormon prophecy about Joseph Smith becoming president of the US?

    I read it on Answers awhile back - it was something about Joseph Smith becoming president and all these other Mormons would be in other positions in the government. BQ: Do you think this prophecy is scary in light of Mitt Romney possibly running for president again?
  17. D

    LDS Mormon Members.. I need help for a youth christmas funny skit!! :( If

    you're not you can help too!? Ok.. so we're gonna have a christmas party at church, and the youth has been asked to do a funny christmas skit, but of course with a message to learn from it.. Do you have any ideas or an actual script? Our bishop wants it by friday.. :S Please please please help!
  18. J

    Where can I get a copy of the Community of Christ's Book of Mormon?

    A small sect of Christianity is the Community of Christ, they're different from the Mormons you know, they believe in the trinity and have temples anyone can enter. Just to clarify what I am asking for, does any one know where I can get a copy of their Book of Mormon, it's different from the...
  19. J

    Where can I get a copy of the Community of Christ's Book of Mormon?

    A small sect of Christianity is the Community of Christ, they're different from the Mormons you know, they believe in the trinity and have temples anyone can enter. Just to clarify what I am asking for, does any one know where I can get a copy of their Book of Mormon, it's different from the...
  20. J

    Try not to laugh, but some people are actually scared to read the book of mormon...?

    ...because a "preacher" told them it is bad.