what does Googlebot and robots means in meta name of HTML coding?


Jun 3, 2008
i have seen on many website's head section <meta name="Googlebot" content="index,follow" /> and <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />, what exactly it means and does this coding will help in getting good ranking in Google search engine. As i am new in SEO field i found this coding on many websites. Please describe in detail and i what condition we use "follow" and "nofollow" with this coding

Thanks !
How do you explain a spider of a search engine you only want him to index just the first page of your website or he is allowed to index the whole website. You use the so called ROBOTS tag.

The robots meta tag is not the same as the file called robots.txt You should use these two together. Both are used by the seach engines like Yahoo and Google. If you use this meta tag the wrong way you might shut the search engines out. So the influence of this meta tag is significant.

<meta name="robots" content="selection">

Example meta tag robots

Add the following meta tag in the HTML source of your page:

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">

The spider will now index your whole website.
The spider will not only index the first webpage of your website but also all your other webpages.

you are also allowed to type it like this:

<meta name="robots" content="INDEX, FOLLOW">
<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index follow">