
  1. A

    The robots have taken over the Bundesliga (well, the pitch mowing at least)

    We've seen robots decapitate themselves in their attempts to play football, so now they are attempting to take control of the game in a different way. By mowing the pitch with minimal help from humans. That sound you just heard is all the Groundskeeper Willies of the world gasping in horror...

    what does Googlebot and robots means in meta name of HTML coding?

    i have seen on many website's head section <meta name="Googlebot" content="index,follow" /> and <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />, what exactly it means and does this coding will help in getting good ranking in Google search engine. As i am new in SEO field i found this coding on...
  3. J

    Robots in the future on planet earth. Or will it be old technology in the

    future and not today ? If... Robots on planet earth is a virtual (fashion equipment pierce of technology that does very good knowdays... Then.. Don;t you think this whole concept about (robots in the future) may slowly fade off and have a better interversion pierce of technology that does much...
  4. G

    Watch This Adorable Horde of Intelligent Swarm Robots Play Piano

    Sometimes robots can be better than humans at playing instruments. Sometimes they're just cooler at it. This herd of little swarm robots—which divvy up the playing between themselves automatically—is the latter. More »
  5. J

    What are some anime shows with human like robots and nudity?

    One day I was going through some on-demand anime show and I found this one show about a man who finds a doll/robot thing that is a girl and it is very naught(Sexualy) and it has a lot of sex and nudity in it I just can't remember what it was called help. Thanks JoJo thats the show.
  6. T

    Will Older Adults Welcome Robots In The Home?

    Robots have the potential to help older adults with daily activities that can become more challenging with age. But are people willing to use and accept the new technology? A study by the Georgia Institute of Technology indicates the answer is yes, unless the tasks involve personal care or...
  7. K

    So, women are going to be replaced by robots? LOL?

    And women robots at that? Hmmm.....anyone else see the irony in someone thinking that's "paradise"? Swapping women for women, but ones without any personality? What sort of man would think like that? How many of you would like that? As if that would ever fly. You complain that men can't even...
  8. T

    Trials Of Stroke Rehabilitation Robots Planned

    Robotherapist 3D, a robot which aids stroke patients' recovery, is to be brought to market by its worldwide patent holder, a spin-off company from the Miguel Hernandez University of Elche (Alicante, Spain). It is the first robot to enable patients to start doing exercises while supine, allowing...
  9. G

    This Little Robot Will Help Make the Wine You Swill [Robots]

    This little chap, known as Wall-Ye V.I.N., might look adorable, but he means business. With four wheels, two arms, six cameras, and on-board GPS, he's capable of pruning 600 vines a day in order to help make the wine you swill every evening. More »
  10. G

    Hairy Electronic Skin That Lets Robots Feel [Science]

    A coating of hairy electronic skin could soon help robots feel the slightest breath of air or detect the faint vibrations of a beating heart. More »
  11. T

    Robots Aid Patient Care In The ICU

    Remote presence robots are used in intensive care units (ICUs) to help critical care physicians supplement on-site patient visits and maintain more frequent patient interactions. Physicians who employ this technology to supplement day-to-day patient care strongly support the positive clinical...
  12. A

    Bring on the robots: Zack Greinke ejected after four pitches for spiking baseball

    With trade rumors swirling all around him, Zack Greinke took his scheduled turn for the Milwaukee Brewers on Saturday afternoon in Houston. Incredibly, it would prove to be the shortest start of his career, though at least the scouts on hand watching could note that it had nothing to do with...
  13. G

    Hallucinating Robots Make the Best Interior Designers [Video]

    We humans are already kind of afraid of robots, so here's a good idea: what if we make them trip balls and hallucinate imaginary people everywhere? Seems like it would drive them to madness and make them turn on us even faster, but researchers at Cornell University's Robot Learning Lab think it...
  14. G

    Replace referees with robots?

    Animated: Read the comments on this post...
  15. G

    I want my flying robots

    Read the comments on this post...
  16. Q

    Can robots and/or technology replace humans in the future military worldwide?

    Why not? It would solve the issue of bloodshed.
  17. L

    Japanese/Korean cartoon from 90s (3 kids who summon robots)?

    I watched it in the 90s, it was japanese/korean. It was about kid who hated carrots and he summoned a robot with gyroscope which he throw on the ground and it makes some symbol and than his robot comes from the ground. Later came some strong fat kid who joined him and he summoned his robot...
  18. G

    Stanford Develops Nanotube-Infused Artificial Skin for Robots and People Alike [Video

    Man and machine might not be that different in the future—especially if they share the same synthetic skin being developed at Stanford University. More »
  19. L

    I dreamed of a robots chasing me? Interpretation?

    I had a dream last night that I was babysitting two little girls that I usually babysit. I happened to glance out of the window, and I saw this giant robot walking, quite a ways away, but it seemed to be looking for something and was looking into every house by ripping off the roofs to look...
  20. T

    Rehab Robots Lend Stroke Patients A Hand

    Robot-assisted therapy has measurable benefits for patients with a weaker arm following a stroke. This is according to new research featured in the journal Clinical Rehabilitation, published by SAGE, which is the first to use accelerometers to track patients' improvement and compare real world...