what does a 15 year old female anatomy looks like?

Answering that girls question, (I'm a dude same age well, a year older what dif. does it make) I've seen my GF's (we where at my beach house, took a shower together, nothing more just wanted too see the other person ya know) It's not gonna look like any of those sluts. You are going through dif. stages of puberty. Get the book What The Heck Just Happened Too My Body[/U] girls edition it really helps.
idk if you'll get this you can go to a doctor and ask and if its a boy and you fill uncomfortable w a boy doctor request a girl doctor but i would ask my mom first trust me its normal to fill uncomfortable about talking to your mom bout its because its normal im 13 and i still don't talk to my mom bout stuff like that
any girls typing on this .com rite now do not send any pics of your self to ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!
you don't know this people and they could be pervs
hi girls i really want to have sex with someone in harlow essex

There many thing that cound be wroung. Should ask doc. But can send pic. tinyjr8 at gmail dot com. Its my doctors email
this is for your protection

i am 11 and idk if my vagina is suppost too look like it is cuzz i looked at porn to see if it was suppost to look like and it didnt look like theres. i need help. is younger girls suppost to look different? :( and i am shy to ask my mom

no offence to the other dudes, but do NOT trust anyone who would ask for personal information like a number, and ESPECIALLY do not trust in sending a pic of your vagina to any one at all. that leads to some serious issues with the law. i know youre shy to ask your mother, but it is the safest way. do you have a sister? asking her would be good too. trust me, i've gone through the same thing as you. and please dont get offended by this, im just trying to help you from being in danger of a sex offender. (i am not calling anyone who quoted this comment a sex offender at all)
U guys r bitches discussing this like this low life assholes:you are looser:
I am afraid this should not be discussed especially the 11 year old girl as it is legally classed as pedophilia even if a female answers or receives images of the selected area, even so relating to the original question legally you can't see what it looks like or distribute pictures of any sort, as a doctor it is law to know about kids and how to handle situations, yes I'm waffling, but nowadays you can't hug a child to make them feel better without getting sued, I really think whom ever posted this should keep it to them selfs no matter the curiosity as there are pedophiles out there and perverts, on open sites like this, be care full and 15 year old is similar to a 18 year old but will differ from person to person, such as virgin or not virgin and growth ect... Hope this helped and sorry to bore but I need to send the message out.
no offence to the other dudes, but do NOT trust anyone who would ask for personal information like a number, and ESPECIALLY do not trust in sending a pic of your vagina to any one at all. that leads to some serious issues with the law. i know youre shy to ask your mother, but it is the safest way. do you have a sister? asking her would be good too. trust me, i've gone through the same thing as you. and please dont get offended by this, im just trying to help you from being in danger of a sex offender. (i am not calling anyone who quoted this comment a sex offender at all)

Listen to this person, do not do anything related on the internet please little girl you parents will understand you or specialist doctors will help on advice and if you are reading this and are under 18 years of age don't share info with anyone on the Internet even on Facebook, about yourself and don't post any pictures what do ever on sites that people can get access to. Thank you.
Specify and reply to this post In detail doctor

There many thing that cound be wroung. Should ask doc. But can send pic. tinyjr8 at gmail dot com. Its my doctors email

Excuse me, you are not supposed to post this or give this info on the Internet especially if your a doctor, give them your work address and name, what practice or hospital do you work at? I'd like to see your methods and have a chat about doctor rules and regulations, state ur work address and full name and speciality and ill see you ASAP.
im 14 year old Boy and i dont know if my penis is fine when is hard ans stiffy it only goes up and why i cant do it like down ward when i try to force it go down it hurts so it only Goes Up :p
u would look different mostly because thrs no pubes, and u probaly have a nice camel toe