What Are The Police For?

You are talking absolute crap and to be honest I cannot even bring myself to dignify your idiotic and insulting comment with a response
I disagree.

More like;

Police are always exposed to a society of violent menace

You seem to have a biased hatred to law enforcement and this is not good.

You cannot profile police in one type of group per one type of attitude.

This is as wrong as profiling any ethnic group
It depends what you're criticising.

An ethnic group is not an institution. There's nothing wrong with criticising institutions, it's the only way they ever improve.

Saying all cops are all on roids and thugs is plainly silly, but the policies and procedures should be continually scrutinized, and criticised where it is warranted.

I have to say though, I foresee many more roid monsters with guns taking your stuff and beating you up if a militia were to replace the police.
You don't think you're looking at the past through rose-tinted spectacles at all?

You think lynch mobs, tarring and feathering, mutilation, torture and vigilante justice are better than what we have today?
You know what else we did in 1845? Enslave black people.

The world is a different place, to say what worked in 1845 will work now is entirely ridiculous. As Hannibal said, absolute crap.

Libertarianism is just as broken as communism. It works in small communities where everyone knows each other but not on the large scale.

Here's a question, how would these militias be regulated? Honor system?
I don't doubt that, i'm just saying that in a true emergency you are basically on your own for about 20 minutes.
Oh that's alright then..........

It's the concept of slavery not the genesis of the slaves that is so distasteful
I fail to see the relevance of that. How we got them doesn't make it ok that we enslaved them.

"No, it's cool, we paid for them! The guy who sold them to us was even black and he said it was cool."
Chill, no need to shout.

I'm sure we all know that already. What's it got to do with police?
Similar, I hadn't thought of it from that angle.

Don't even get me started on the "war on drugs". If you wanna talk about the corruption and self serving nature of the police and government there it is.

Now, I can get behind a war on heroin, or a war on crystal meth. But a war on pot? Is that really necessary?

They keep it around because it keeps the prison system alive and keeps many law enforcement agents (lawyers, administrators, ETC.) alive. A whole expensive system has been built around the war on drugs and those involved in the system want to protect it.
In some cases, yes. In other cases they were bought from white people. In many cases people were born into slavery because their parents were slaves.

(I'm assuming that by 'we' you mean slave-owners in the USA in general, rather than just your own family or something.)
That's true. Arabs were trading slaves from sub-Saharan Africa long before Europeans started.

I don't think that Americans bought slaves from Arabs in any great numbers though. Having said that, given the multinational nature of the trade, I wouldn't be at all suprised if there were some. Especially after the USA banned the import of slaves, traders would try to get their hands on illegal purchases from any source they could.
Ah well, that's alright then; it's not like history is rife with examples of people circumventing or outright breaking the oaths they'd sworn, right?

Militias are regulated (made regular) in the same manner the National Guard is. (the National Guard is our modern militia, which I have no major problem with)
Right, but the alternative is one of the numerous forms of anarchism, which tends not to be popular.
We have some common ground here. But why the "war" on substance use and/or abuse? Alcohol is statistically more dangerous. People who have addiction problems used to be helped through their problems by doctors-now they're thrown in jail (profit for the prison-industrial complex, of course) which doesn't help anyone. Then there's all the raids (no-knock and otherwise) which are horribly destructive, often killing and wounding innocent people.

(as an aside, there was a time when cocaine and other narcotics were available at pharmacies like Walgreen's)