What are The Best BLONDE jokes?


New member
Aug 29, 2008
Only thw best or the funniest. My frineds and i tell blonde jokes everyday,but like the yo mama jokes i need some mewer jokes...can u help me pretty plez?
Hey, Homedepot came out with a new paint called blonde...it's not real bright and spreads real easy. LOL
Three friends (one blonde, one brunette, and one redhead) were stranded on a deserted island.
While roaming the beach they came across a strange looking lamp. The brunette rubbed it, and a genie appeared.

The genie looked the women over, and said,"Usually I have one master, and I give my one master 3 wishes, but since there are three of you, I'll give you each one wish."

The redhead stepped forward,"Oh, genie, we've been stuck here for a long time! I miss my family so much, I just want to go home! I wish I was home" *Poof!* the redhead was home!

The brunette then spoke,"Same here! I just want to go home! I wish I was home!" *Poof!* the brunette was home!

The genie turns to the blonde for her answer, but is surprised to see her bawling her eyes out!
"What on Earth is the matter?!" the genie inquired.
The blonde chokes out a huge sob and blurts out,"I WISH MY FRIENDS WERE HERE!!!!!!"
How do you know if a girl has a blonde boyfriend? There's a bruise on her belly button.

What's the difference between a blonde and a mosquito? When you slap a mosquito, it stops sucking.
I like the ones where their naked.
Or Nuns.
Can't beat a good naked blonde Nun joke.