What are good things to do at the gym?


New member
Nov 11, 2011
I've never really had any steady activity that was strictly exercise. I was in my high school colorguard all four years of high school, which sounds stupid, but was actually a lot of hard work and physical exercise with dancing and arm strength and we did a lot of cardio.

However, since season ended and I graduated and I'm getting ready for college, I've gained a bit of weight. I'm still skinny and I probably could've afforded to gain a few pounds anyway(plus my boobs have grown so that's both a likely part of it and a plus). However, I don't have the best diet(ha) and my college has a really nice gym and I want to start using it when I move in.

I've literally never gone to a gym before so I wouldn't even know how to start. For basic exercise and to stay healthy, what should I do at the gym? How often should I go? What machines do people usually use?

I seriously have no idea so if you could give some advice that would be great!
And in regards to my diet; I really think I might end up eating healthier just by convenience in college. I'm on a meal plan and there are some relatively healthy restaurants on campus(there's a Subway, Rubio's Daphne's...). Plus, whenever I'm buying my own food, I make the conscious decision and think about whether or not I really want to spend money on that if it's not going to fill me up. Whereas at home, I have two brothers and there is always junk food here, so if I'm bored or hungry I'll grab cheetos or cookies or whatever. I'll definitely be supplying my dorm room with apples and popcorn, those are my favorite healthy snacks :)