Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

your really cool dont worry.

you read every word and make fun of people if they dont spell one correctly, you do have a life, its okay.:tup:

There's no fucking way you're a guy.

Are you retarded?

i shave my chest every day because i hate chest hair.
i think slim jeans are more comfortable than normal jeans.
i hate almost everyone at my school.
i have mild ocd (like little marks some one misses when erasing and equality, i was stood turning a doorknob for 1 minute trying to make it equal)
i have never shown that to any of my friends
i change my personilty based on who i'm hanging out with
i hate being wrong or making people unhappy unless i hate them then idgaf
-I'm a nice guy.
-I have a big penis.
-I don't like Canada that much.
-All the stuff in my computer have to be organized.
-I shave my pubes.
-I sometimes cry.
-When I have nothing to do, I brush my teeth.

I'll add some later if I think of any.