Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

I pick my nose sometimes when I'm bored. I guess that counts.

And another one, I haven't beat off in over 2 yrs. That has to be a world record or something.
I have seen kains old pics he is a dude.

(send naked pics of you looking like a girl to pm box)


First off just because you have Ocd doesn't mean it transfers to every aspect of your life, i do more physical patterns involving touching things.

An what do I have to gain about lying about having OCD?

Shit i double posted!
An what do I have to gain about lying about having OCD?

Third off Firefox put a red line under it and i did attempt to correct myself but i clicked on the wrong word, so gtfo.
I have anger management problems and no-one knows it, i get headaches and cry when i get upset, i think i have O.C.D. and ADD, really small things can trigger me, like my fork being on the wrong side of my plate and people correcting me.
I can't focus without a relaxer either music or food, if i don't have either after about 20 minutes i can't focus.

oh and i forgot, i am afraid to drink alcohol because of genetics i am 8 times more likely to become addicted than the average male.