Tom Koehler makes untimely yet amazing fashion statement


Jun 17, 2007
If you're Miami Marlins right-hander Tom Koehler and you just received a $3 million raise in arbitration, chances are you're feeling pretty good about life and the upcoming season.
That feeling was seemingly reinforced on Wednesday based on Koehler's untimely but ultimately on point ensemble at the Marlins' team golf event.
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As you know, Wednesday's date is Feb. 17, which for eight teams meant the official opening of spring training. For the Marlins, it meant a day for players, coaches and other team employees to come together for a little fun on the golf course.*As for Tom Koehler, his calendar clearly read something different than the rest of ours.
In his world, it was St. Patrick's Day.*
Tom Koehler rocking the shamrocks #Marlins @TKREFRESH22
— Joe Frisaro (@JoeFrisaro) February 17, 2016
Indeed, that is the ultimate St. Patrick's Day ensemble. It*takes going green to an entirely new level.
Would you just look at those shamrock-covered pants? Or better yet, can you somehow take your eyes off them?*
But why hit us with the ensemble now?*Why not wait until St. Patrick's Day to blow us away?*
Those are questions only Tom Koehler can answer, but we can speculate.
The first and perhaps most logical explanation is that Koehler simply doesn't care. If he wants it to be St. Patrick's Day now, that's how it will be. We can't tell him different. No calendar can tell him different.*
Another possibility is he's trying to fast forward through the early part of spring training and all of those drills that get repetitive. In the baseball world, there's a huge difference between Feb. 17 and March 17, and maybe Koehler was somehow hoping those pants and the luck of the Irish would make those weeks disappear. *
Or maybe it's as simple as Koehler knowing he'll be busy on the real St. Patrick's Day and won't be able to wear that on the golf course.*
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Then again, maybe it was just a fashion statement. As we've learned over the years, baseball players aren't afraid to make a fashion statement from time to time. And*it's not always the guys making the huge money or the guys used to having a camera stuck in his face making those statements.
Whatever the reason is, we see you Tom Koehler, and we look forward to seeing what else that extra $3 million has added to your wardrobe.*
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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Townie813