Thought of the Day

Holy freaking crap. The motivation is dripping with a high and tight, newly shined boots, tightly rolled sleeves and the label of "forever a boot."
"What the hell" effect: waking up and finding brother & neighbour at home composing songs in Romanian about France. Not that my brother understands a single word of what he's singing...
I think it would only be cool to a certain demographic and not the majority. Something like adolescent young boys playing war in the backyard, and select individuals that everyone absolutely despises within the military themselves
Out of it sure, but it never truly leaves you.

I might have been in that demographic as a youngster, but I can hardly be blamed for it and I don't blame young kids for getting wrapped up in something like that. I can't look at a guy at school (college, so they're at least 22 yrs of age if they joined at 18) who is wearing combat boots with a military pack for a school bag without rolling my eyes. For most people doing that they are trying to call attention to themselves. Also generally the type to beat their chest about how great they are because they served. I'm stereotyping I know, but the stereotype holds true 95% of the time.

The guys I can tolerate are the ones that look normal, but I know were in the military because they're in class with a spit bottle for their chewing tobacco
Philosophy teacher said:
When I joke I do not joke, in fact when I say you are idiots I really mean that, but I do not mean that you are idiots because you are idiots, it is that you are idiots because you are you, being idiocy a quality of mankind, so if you think you're not idiots you are idiots, and if you think you are idiots you are not idiots, but you are idiots anyway.

And then people ask me why I am such a psycho...
Oh poor him, he's such a nice man.
No seriously, I'm in an "experimental course" which means we have more math hours than normal schools and everything is supposed to be harder, and this gathers the best of the psycho teachers. One unforgettable moment was my chemistry teacher going around with a hammer "in case someone needs a broken head". He ended up half-crashing my desk after a guy confused HCl with NaCl - guy still claims he was too sleep deprived to think.
-Do you put acid on your salad then? Try that, good luck! *smashes my desk*
me: -What's wrong with my desk!
teacher: -It deserved it.
Do snails get vertigo? I was coming back from the gym last night and it was still quite wet though the rain had been replaced with drizzle and saw a snail about 15 foot up one of the posts at the first set of steps. Usually I'm a bit worried about standing on them in the dark, and maybe they have caught on and stopped crawling about on the wet steps but that would have been the equivalent of me hovering on the side of ten storeys up!
This looks pretty painful. The women getting tasered didn't look fun either.

Army Girl gets tazed - YouTube
Is it bad that a scene of a 10 year old girl dismembering and murdering a bunch of hoodlums with happy "la la la" music in the background makes me feel good?

- Kickass
I say "though" way too much when writing. I need to stop it. I have a few other repetitive quirks in my writing as well and need to branch out and find new opening lines in discussion and whatnot.