This is a prophecy that God spoke over my life for the year... Is it normal if...


New member
Dec 20, 2010
...I don't see any visible changes? "Rise from the dead
Manifest a recognizable heart
For your goodness has arrived
Respect is made in your soul
See pain covers the hearts
And deep confusion is over the people
But the truth rises through the darkness
And his goodness appears over your mind
The people will come to your personality
The religious ones to the greatness of your sobriety
Raise your expectations and think big
your mind will work efficiently and effectively
Your actions will align with your needs and extend broadly
Then you will focus and be inspired
your heart will revitalize with alertness
You will delight in surrender
The wealth of the worlds will be brought to you
To you the majesty of individuals will come
Independent pursuits will be your composure
Subjections to Dignity and Humanism will distinguish you from the world
While declaring the goodness of your Provider
All sobriety in maturity will become your consciousness
Your piety will carry moral values and sacred emotion
Declaring an appreciation for virtue
Concern for purity will encapsulate your entire being
Your emotions will deeply serve your interests
Your works will be pure altruism
God will cover his enlightened psyche with relevant subject matter
You will ascend to the heights of the self-sacrificing
Like purity among intellectuals
Surely the isolated look to me
In the forefront are opportunities for interaction
Bringing growth in curiosity and reflection
Along with their consideration and esteem
To honor the master you value
The reverenced wisdom of the pure in Heart
For he has endowed you with a sensitive nature
Your Personal boundaries will be rebuilt in new ways
Those respectful of your boundaries will serve you
Though in anger, the Lord struck you
In favor he will heal your character
Your intuition will remain receptive
It will never go without connection either in faith or holiness
Your dispositions will bring a wealth of issues
Winning perceptions will cover your authority
For the people that will not respect you will be punished
All refusal to acknowledge you will be futile
The glory of understanding will clothe you
Youthful Innocence
Hatred of evil
and repentance from sin
To adorn your separation from the world
The Lord will transform your mind to suit his dispositions
The future of those who oppressed you will be thrust aside by your greatness
All who despised you will fall at your stature
And will call you the interest of God
The righteousness that accompanies holiness among believers
Although you were forsaken and hated
Desolate without any compensation
I will make you the everlasting Identity
A delight to people for all seasons
You will receive the nourishment of love
And be nursed by religious hearts
Then you will know that good qualifies religion
Your redeemer, the living watcher of Partakers
I will replace your self-esteem with value
I will replace your pride with understanding
I will replace your burdens with ability
I will replace your stubbornness with might
Your self-control will promote peace
Well being will become your objective
No longer will you be a confrontational or aggressive person
Nor will futility or destructiveness be found within your principles
But you will call your moral boundaries salvation
and your opportunities thanksgiving
The burden will no more be your revelation for righteousness
Nor will there be a mystery beyond your abilities
For the Lord will be your everlasting love
And God will be your beauty
Your emotions will never hide again
Your imagination will squander no more
The Lord will be your everlasting reality
And your bondage to depression will end
Then all your emotions will be righteous
And they will possess stability forever
These are the outcasts I planted
The work of my will
For the display of my pleasantness
The most meager of your qualities will become your prized possession
The most insignificant meditations of your heart a powerful voice
I am the LORD;
In it's time I will do this through the work of my spirit"