Things that make you go :-)) take two!

I was perplexed and flattered when I got asked on recommendations for resistance band exercises from a group of teenage boys earlier at the gym. There are about 5 of them who come in and train/muck about. I have bit my tongue when watching some doing the standard 4 powerlifts. One of them is I think the nephew of another regular lifter and has a better technique but they all make so many schoolboy mistakes, that I could spend half my workout time correcting them. I'm sure they'll pick it up in time, if they were genuinely to lift something in a way that was going to cause them injury I would step in.
Yep, never seen any of them attempt a Power Clean (which is probably just as well). There were so many faults on the Bench Press (grip, elbows, focus on ceiling, shoulders on bench, bar position on chest, feet on the floor) Squat (bar position, high or low bar, elbows, grip, rolling feet, head position was okay on most) and even Deadlift (feet/stance, position of shins, jump posture). The Overhead Press was worst, but I've seen lots of people with years of lifting use some weird mostly quite wide grip, not push the head through and shrug, basically mimicking their bench press but standing up so its like the bar is going forward not directly up.
Just went driving around the neighborhood with my mother monitoring in the passenger's seat.

I think I did pretty well!

She is still trembling though, dunno why.
Also, Wendler in 5/3/1 uses the 4 and I alternate the days in alphabetical order but it works out as an upper body/lower body/upper body/lower body split for Bench, Deadlift, Press and Squat
Got a stable wireless connection on my pc again. No more dial-up-like rubbish connection with an adaptor that couldn't find a signal even from my mobile sat four inches away from it. New adaptor has even picked up a couple of unsecured networks in the street...
After far too long a break from it, I'm cracking out my electric guitar tomorrow and I'm going to wail on it until it begs for mercy. And I've just spent the last God knows how long reading up on the ZR trem* so I can set it up a bit better than just shoving the strings on and watching the high E snap within weeks/months. It probably won't work but oh well! Now I am just wishing it was tomorrow so I can go get the strings!

Also, polishing a guitar is theraputic.

*I figured guitar lingo would be fine, as those who care will know those who don't won't, and that wouldn't matter!
Was on the bus earlier on. When we got to a stop a guy was on his way off with his push chair. As they came level to me, the little girl in the pram touched my knee and went "buh bye!" with this big beautiful smile. Made my day
Had a good day at Sunderland airshow yesterday. Managed to be in the right place at the right time for half of the show (though the new Nikon 18-300mm lens would have helped when the Red Arrows flew straight over my head), caught up with a MAPer (Jang Bong, for those who remember him) and had a good walk too

Now just the small matter of around 1300 photos to go through
Was introduced to one of the mormons' kids today. Kid's name was Ethan, he's four years old, but when I was told this Ethan said "no, no no no no, no, I'm Peter Pan." Then he spent most of the service crashing his Thomas the Tank Engine toys into my leg :p

Dunno if I'd enjoy having one of my own as much, but I love other people's kids
Went to a village fayre over the weekend.
Had a pop at the "have a go archery". Aside from a term when I was about 14 and the odd go on these sorts of stands every so often I'm by no means an archer.
Still scored 48 with 5 shots though!

If I had more time and money I'd love to do archery as a hobby.
I found archery pretty fun, up to a point. It got repetitive and boring quickly for me. Satisfying to get a decent shot, though.
I has a dentist appointment on the 1st of August. But my dentist is nice. I hardly notice the pain while being hypnotised by her cleavage
I'm going to the dentist tomorrow too!

I use to like going to see my dentist - he was Spanish and use to do Judo, but selfishly he went back to spain!

One of the funniest things was when I went to the University's dental school as a volunteer 'victim' for the trainee dentists there and the building was having work done on it... All you could here when you walked in was the sound of power drills (drilling the walls) - the lobby was full of a lot of very worried looking people! It made me laugh lots!
FantomenK - Getting Melodies Out Of My Head (Music Video) - YouTube

This cracked me up. It's more likely to annoy you, but whatevs :p