Things that make you go :-)) take two!

Well, I think we all know what Mitch is up to tonight

Talk about awesomeness, my daughter went to check out an academy about 15 minutes away from us for her schooling needs. My wife walks into her classroom to have a nosey...

They had two 20ft climbing walls, a ping pong table, a pool table, 7 PC's, a TV for displaying stuff on, a drum kit, 3 guitars, 30 ukuleles, speakers and amps fit for a rock band, a couple of keyboards, books by Shakespeare, quotes all over the walls by people like Einstein and Samuel Beckett...and then the usual tables and stuff!

And that was just her classroom . Did I mention she's 10?!

...Why did we never get schools like that when we were kids?!
I've been here and there....and everywhere else Back to dojo today for me in a loonggg time!!!!! Hope I don't get beat too badly
I can't write this here, but it's Stephen Fry with a history of the 'F word' on Radio 4 now, no beeps!
Having an instructor who is a chiropractor too! After jamming my toes tonight performing a sloppy kick and realizing one toe was pointing in a direction it shouldn't be, he put it back in place!
That's pretty useful. I can see the benefit of learning this stuff, had an awkward situation with something similar when I was a doing karate but it was fingers, and watching a judo comp when a girl had her elbow dislocated. Ouch!
my new favourite pastime: when a double door is open only on one side, and people are being dumb fornications and bottling up the entrance, i casually open the other side and walk through without a care in the world.
Dinner. Steak with onion and mushrooms, and shrimp on the grill. Boiled fresh Illinois corn on the cob (the best there is) with a piece of garlic bread!
Wifey got me into Minecraft earlier - now I can make my own hobbit holes!

Also, might be starting kickboxing once a week on the side (fingers crossed)!