Things that make you go :-)) take two!

A list of 200 top songs from the 1980's. Too funny. Good times...

edit: That, plus an interesting phenomenon of my arcade high scores growing on their own! I'll be getting with CP to put together an appropriate post.
there is a GREAT BIG RAINBOW out the back of my garden. It's AWESOME. ALL the colours! ALL of them! it's so beautiful.

something I was told as a kid: a rainbow is god's promise that he will never again try to destroy us completely.
Leaving a shop with my 2 year old in tow.
I say "cheers" to the shop keeper.
Closely followed by a little munchkin voiced "cheers" from my daughter.

Note to self - Be careful of what I say at all times.
Yep. Although even nice words sound "naughty" from a two year old. Take 'binoculars' for example, my little'un calls them knockers, and 'foot', well lets say we usually leave shoe stores in hysterics.
From the less lovely, more dickish side of me: I wrote a post in the grr thread about a dude in my history class who was being acting pretty smug that he knew more than us about Soviet Russia. We started the other part of our course today which focuses on 'Nam and his face during my reasonably decent explanations of the Tet Offensive, Mai Lai massacre, and the conspiracy theories behind the JFK assassination was rather priceless. Been a while since I've shouted "Boom!" in my head like that
Haha there's a line between annoying him and alienating the entire class I kept details such as the bayonet rape at My Lei to myself for that very reason
Kuma kicking serious butt over in the arcade. Congrats, Kuma. Pass The Pint is a funny little game.
For some reason I'm not allowed to play any of them. Fear I would unseat you'll I'm guessing

edit: Hmm snake can never access the score table and suspiciously Fu Bag is the champion
LOL! It's a ninjer thing. What can I say?

But yeah, I can't access all the games either. And if you've ever seen my game scores, I have a feeling it's not because of my arcade awesomeness, lol.
norwegian words that are homophonous with spanish naughty words.

also, having to go to the so-called "girl corner" of the gym (or so it was written in the mirror) to get a kettlebell, upon which i took two steps back and held the bottom of a pistol squat in full view of all the people who were slowly jogging on the treadmills

12kg was the lightest KB in my gym until a few months ago when they bought a 6kg and an 8kg for mixed circuits but I've learned all the KB basics and some not so basic on a 12kg now. oddly the 12 at the gym feels lighter than my 12 at home, I wonder if that's because I occasionally have an audience at the gym and feel the need to prove something