Things that make you go :-)) take two!

also, introspection leading to interesting revelations leading to a day without my brain trying to screw me over!
i officially baptize the cow as sjokolade vaffel-ku!

also, i am mightily amused by knowing what the homophone of ku (cow in norwegian) is in portuguese.
wasn't sure whether to put this as a or as a grrr, but since it amuses me and is something i accept as part of my personality, i'll put it here.

my very peculiar tastes result in what normally could be described as a near-complete lack of appreciation for the sublime (or what to most normal people would be the sublime), which amuses me and makes me think, therefore it makes me go
101 pages to go until i finish heretics of dune! (should get it over with by tonight), then chapterhouse: dune, and then on to re-read the sprawl trilogy!
still happy at finally being able to do pistol squats without assistance or counter-weights. stupid ankles.

i think i'll test my max reps on saturday after parkour and then put them on grease the groove
i have gym membership!


yay for lifting weights!

yay for bagwork!

yay for boxing coaching!

yay for pull-ups!

yay for chocolate-flavoured protein shakes!