Things that make you go :-)) take two!

My eldest daughter performing her very first C-section today. Mother and 6 babies all doing fine!
I find that sentence slightly offensive, actually. Not everyone likes babies, I am one of them. Dont want one and dont have a maternal instinct. To suggest I need to see a doctor is a bit offensive, to say the least. I am glad you enjoy your daughter, but its not really right to tell people if they dont smile at a baby pic or babies or go coochie-coo they need a doc or might be dead.
Lighten up it was a throwaway comment on a web forum. So long as you can still cook and clean properly you have nothing to be ashamed of.
I want to say what really makes me go :) but some people might not find that very "appropriate".

The perfect flapjack, going to water world (all the female life gaurds are sooo hot), chocolate chip muffins, burritos right after class, seeing i have grown an inch, walking around outside at midnight and having to pee really bad and being able to pee wherever i want, getting home from a weekend away and seeing my kitty walk up to me.
Bwahahahaha! Just got someone to punch in my typical daily diet on that weight watchers points thingymagig. Their daily allowance = 16 points. Typical day for me = 58.5 points

EDIT: Hmmm, slightly hyper profanity filter on MAP!
receiving a gedan barai to the biceps that damn near made my arm go numb.

it was fun, kinda like a having a full compression lock applied to you in one tenth of a second. haven't been hit like that in ages, so ->
Got the word from my doctor- as far as she's concerned I'm good to go. I can check out the conditions for service in the territorial army gonna wait till the new year though, just to get things running smoothly. I can spend the time decreasing my 1.5 mile run
Just randomly had a look at the student finance calculator on the website (yep, slow day at work) and found that they'd actually pay my tuition fees if I started another degree course after they said they wouldn't a couple of years back

Time to contemplate and discuss, I reckon
This is gonna sound really weird, but I like being sore after a class. I am almost never sore, My friends who are in the class to say stuff like "I could not walk after that class". But I am always better the next day.
Just means you're as wierd as me

Its great feeling sore and worn out after class lets you know you've done something
YouTube - The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Part1

is the tune to which I imagine subjects being dragged before me. It's sheer genius.
trying to increase the speed of my 1 mile run to the gym. Was struggling past the 5min barrier, did it in 4m 45s today, with a bag on my back and half of it was uphill