The one thing you regret/ Will never do again

You lawl :p now, but when it happens to you, you won't be.

"Ew no I don't want to touch it again."
"lol wut?"
"It's been in my butt."
"It's got pewp on it."

Not the ideal situation.


getting dared to zap myself with a 10,000 oil burner transformer.... didnt do it. :dodgyrun:

cheating on my ex...but it was worth it. lol
i hope to never open a door into my head again or kick the annoying neighbor kid again and have my foot swell up (i'd kick him again but i just don't my foot to swell)
skip half a semester of college.
its not a good thing to do in the grand scheme of things...:(

be a hypocrite
Posting a picture of a nude women. Not the fact that I did it. The fact that I deleted it and still got banned. :( If I knew I was getting banned I would have kept it up for you boys.
Having sex with a running blender :(
Don't do it, they just use you for sex then leave you