Tell me something interesting you heard today?


New member
Nov 29, 2008
The person with the most interesting thing will WIN! lol
come on, lets do it. It'll be fun! ;)

Mine is: " Pigs can have orgasms for up to 40 mintues"
101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don't die throughout the movie.
Hope that was good enough for best answer!
Ooooh I got one! Okay so at work, this one kid was on drive thru, and the customers kid wouldn't stop talking so it was hard for him to hear the order, and when they got to the window the lady goes, "I'm sorry, excuse my son, he's just being a butt because I caught him masturbating this morning."

I about died laughing!!!!
Not many people know this but to simulate botox on the forehead and future forehead lines its as easy as cutting a milk carton side cardboard triangle 1/2 inch each angle and with one drop of honey on the side that you adhere it to your forehead your can self train yourself not to wrinkle up and avoid that costly injection. it works for a lot people.. email me if you want better details. I really know it works ,best of all its free. but i have known this former secret for about a year. I love it

this is not an advertisement its only self help advise for free.
this is not really a fact..just something to think about..

Tell me who's brilliant idea was it to put the letter S in the word "lisp"?