Tai Chi form for Muay Thai boxing?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Does anyone know if there is a specific Tai Chi form, that is used in conjunction with Muay Tai Boxing. If not, could anyone recommend one that would compliment it better than others maybe...


PS How do you thank people for there great responses ?. This is the second question I have submitted and the response is great thanks all....
Hi thank you for the 4 answers so far but to clarify I am aware of the different cultures with Tai Chi and Muay Tai and countries of origin. I think i was referring to a "dance" or set of movements that looked similar to Tai Chi that Muay Thia Boxers sometimes do before a fight.. I thought it looked like and was a form of tai chi in some ways. I am also aware that Karate have Kata's and just thought that it was something similar... Thanks again for the answers though and any additions to these would be much appreciates thx.