Tai Chi form for Muay Thai boxing?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Does anyone know if there is a specific Tai Chi form, that is used in conjunction with Muay Tai Boxing. If not, could anyone recommend one that would compliment it better than others maybe...


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Hi thank you for the 4 answers so far but to clarify I am aware of the different cultures with Tai Chi and Muay Tai and countries of origin. I think i was referring to a "dance" or set of movements that looked similar to Tai Chi that Muay Thia Boxers sometimes do before a fight.. I thought it looked like and was a form of tai chi in some ways. I am also aware that Karate have Kata's and just thought that it was something similar... Thanks again for the answers though and any additions to these would be much appreciates thx.
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Muay Thai boxing and TChi have different power generation and movement trains. Thus they're mostly incompatible. Cross training in both would be more to make TC harder, while making Muay Thai softer in movements.
Tai Chi which is considered an internal style complements external Kung Fu quite well. There are quite a bit schools that teach Tai Chi in conjunction with Kung Fu. In this matter, you can say a Karate school that has a rigorous Kata curriculum is similar to an external Kung Fu style...to a lesser extent Tae Kwon Do.

To say the Wai-Kru "dance" that Muay Thai fighters do before a fight is a form/kata is a bit of a....stretch... The idea of Wai Kru is to pay respect and is not used to improve your fighting. In general, the stances of Tai Chi are so different (heel on the ground) than Muay Thai that it would be hard to mix the two.

Out of the Tai Chi styles,I would recommend Chen Style Tai Chi, because it is the most combative of the Tai Chi styles. The sound you make when you do a Fa Jing is similar to the exhales when doing Muay Thai kicks. the most powerful strikes come from the core and the sharp exhales bring your body into one alignment in both styles.
Any MA can compliment another as long as u have a good understanding of MAs.
Tai Chi is Chinese whereas Muay Thai developed in Thailand, then Siam in a very diffrent culture than China, that said there are a lot of religious practices in traditional Muay Thai, mostly Hindu and Buddhist, but no Tai Chi. Have fun stay safe!

EDIT: I'd recommend Yoga and meditation for flexibility and inner calm over Tai Chi actually, I'e tried both and the Yoga worked better for me, but if you're dead set on Tai chi then I'd go with a soft style to help your breathing and concentration.

EDIT 2: The dance you're talking about is called "Wai khru ram muay" it's basically a ceremonial circling of the ring, and prayer to gods and the Buddah for strength and an honorable fight. It isn't designed to add flexibility but to help reassure the boxer and fufil some religious beliefs.
there isn't a specific form its more on which one you prefer.

there are at least 5 family's of tai chi. not all are soft. and not all may be available in your area. tai chi is first and foremost a combat style, finding an instructor in many areas that understands that is not always easy. i suggest yo look for a good instructor and not worry so much about which style or form, they are all great styles when you have a good instructor

not all tai chi is soft there are hard styles of tai chi