SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

scream and be concerned that my cat would get upset - he sleeps on our bed
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

i would tighten my sphincter and hold my breath.
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

I'd ask my wife where the heck she got them.
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

put my cats in the room and close the door behind me
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

wonder where the other 100 went
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

i would probably piss myself and scream
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

calmly walk into the other bedroom and sleep. deal with them in the morning if the cat doesnt first
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

I'd tell them to be sure to stay on their own side of the bed!
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

They're gonna die. I've got bad gas at the moment.
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

Cover my privates. Those things bite.
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

Saw aww........ i luv hamstersI have one!
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

I'd probably scream, and then be like: "Awwww....they're soooo cute!!!!!!!!"
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

Aww.. Fluffy hamsters. I'd go, "what the hell?" and get some boxes or carriers so I could take them to the pet store. I'd probably keep one.. I already have two hammies.
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

I'd cuddle with them. I love the little animal pets!
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

i'd scream. now i'm scared to go to bed. thanks.
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

Cry myself to sleep because I know I'll never get Best Answer ever again from you .....* weeping uncontrollably *
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

Gasoline...check...Match...check....Goodnight Moon...Goodnight Bed...Goodnight Fluffy Hamsters.
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

I would be so happy that I wouldn't have to feed my 25 Boas & Anacondas in the morning... Phew !!!! Maybe I can risk sleep till noon for once!
SURVEY: What would you do if you went to go to bed tonight and found 200 fluffy hamsters under the covers?

Hubby's already in there so ......