ST Christmas Tree Challenge

It looks like its about 10-12ft tall and 2-3ft wide. Nice height, weak width.
My mom loves it because it doesn't consume her whole living room or w/e. It's like a standard tree with it's height extended to over 9000!
I was gona take pictures of my Average American Christmas Tree last night, but was to tired and just went to bed and was going to do it today. Well I woke up this morning to find my cat used it as his personal playground...

Before my cat got to it there was no gaps and all of the "branches" were fluffed nicely, and it was all normal. BUT I woke up to this instead.


Then later in the morning I caught him in the act.


Question: In order to enter a tree into the contest, do the decorations have to have been put on by yourself/family members or does it still count if professionals did it?

Just asking since I know some people have pros decorate their trees these days.