Split- US Donations

The problem with the defence industry (particularly in the US) is that the government wont award a contract unless they are satisfied with the way the project is going to be undertaken. The result being the US taxpayer taking the hit in the pocket.
The problem is that the low tech part of the ship like the hull, if sabotaged, can sink the whole ship. If you have someone in a foreign country that is making the hull and they do it wrong because they don't understand why it is laid out that way, it will take expensive corrections to fix or it could undermine the effectiveness of the whole ship. Whether intentional or accidental, it is too easy for something to go wrong.

Currently, employees of defense contractors usually have to have security clearances. Getting security clearances for people in another country will not be cheap or easy.
I think you are being a little harsh there. There is loyalty to the shareholders, above all else. But at the same time, companies do care about their surroundings.
Holyheadjch's premise is "outsourcing is a good idea to make an economy stronger". Having lived through the era of outsourcing skilled labour jobs, I know quite well what the impact on the economy is. His premise is faulty. Period. We have a very limited focus here. If you want to turn this into the ethics of big business, I'll be more than happy to go there. But for now, I'm focusing on the premise made by HH, which is "outsourcing is good for the US economy", and whether that comes from some kid on the internet or Bill gates, I'm going to reply with "that's bovine excrement".
The Engineers care about the product, the companies wouldn't care if they launched a few logs strapped together so long as they get paid.
it would save the government more money than it would cost to retrain those workers,
from the money you are saving by not paying a premium for having all the work being carried out in the US. We are potentially talking about hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
You seem to have forgotten the loss of revenue brought in through taxes... all those unemplyed people don't work, therefore they don't pay taxes. And while it may seem like a small number, 3-6% is a hell of a tax hit on the social services agencies which have to give them the tools to get back on their feet!
I'm sure they wouldn't be out of work long, if at all, following on from the ship example, if the hull is transported in blocks, then it would still need reassembling at the other end, then there is all the outfitting work.
1. It is a bad idea to outsource any Defense related projects as they are either secret or become open to sabatuers.

2. India and China are going through their industrial revolutions American manufacturing jobs will go oversees. Nothing will stop this and in my opinion shouldn't. Outsourcing is good for our economy. Yes in the short term there will be unemployed workers. I feel bad for them. But in the long run, more jobs will be created. We are turning into a service economy.
1 - There are jobs that aren't 'Secret' and that could be outsourced with minimal risk to information integrity.

2 - I agree.
Various units of the military particularly coofftopicndo units use the MP-5 submachine gun which is German.

You don't wan't top secret material like a ship's electronics or it installation being outsourced.
I agree, the US shipbuilders wont even see a large amount of the onboard kit, but I dont think handing the initial construction contract to another country is going to make a whole lot of difference. An American Welder is just as likely to try to sell information as a welder from another country.
Come on dude, you missed the point of "national defense." When war comes, we want to be able to do as much for ourselves as we possibly can. We don't want to be dependent on Country X, if at all possible, because when war comes we might not be able to trade with Country X to get that stuff for our ships/tanks/whatever.

It's really that simple.
Thats a good point. Political differences prevent the use of foreign countries.
If you outsourced hull contruction to France and they don't want to go to Iran and we do, guess what? We won't have the ship hulls in time.

2nd you can enforce secracy alot easier in the US than in India.
It takes years to build and outfit a ship, when war comes you will make do with your serving (already ridiculously oversized) fleet.
Again, any ships in build will not be due to enter service for years, and besides, if a ship is late it means further costs to the shipbuilder and there isn't a shipbuilder in the world that would place political ideology in front of cold hard profit.