Split- US Donations

Someone said it's good to keep defense contracts inside the country because other countries can be unsafe. In particular, the fact that China spies on the USA was mentioned. Then you said everybody takes precautions for spying, and you said even US locations are unsecure.

My point: the fact that no location is foolproof, is no reason to give up autonomy.
Defense budget = social welfare. Think of all the pensions, all the free housing and clothing and food and medical care, all the jobs. What do you have against that?

A better idea would be to eliminate the IRS, eliminate the Dept of Homeland Security, get out of Iraq, and go on a flat tax.

But the "real life" is that as long as people continue to vote Republican and Democrat, we'll only get more of what we've been getting.
Well there is a throwback to Steve Forbes I see.

Just the IRS and Homeland Security?

All we have are Republicans, Democrats and billionaires who can finance their own campaigns.
You're welcome. It's precisely because of our defense spending and your corresponding lack of defense spending, that your gov't can afford to do the socialist things it does and pony up ridiculous amounts of money for a corrupt and ineffective UN. Let's not forget official MOD policy: "why do we need a big military? We have the Americans."
That was very good of them and I for one, appreciate the efforts. It's also nice to see that everyone remembers us after all the times we bailed out just about every nation on the planet following tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, wars, etc.
I think Nike tried something like this and got into a public relations quandry over it, or something like that...
GC, as much as it pains me, I have to agree with the Headache here. Outsourcing is good for our economy in the long run. Unskilled labor in America, as with most manufacturing jobs are destined to go the way of the dinosaur. There's no reason for Ford to pay a UAW worker $43.00 and hour when they can pay a guy in Thailand $4.30 an hour to turn the same wrench. That savings is passed on to the consumer who then can buy a car (paying sales tax), as well as the shareholder who continues to invest (paying income tax on the gains). It sucks for middle aged guys (my father is one of them) with little technical skill, but by not getting the skills they need, they just aren't competitive. And instead of adding to their skills, many workers embrace the union like that will bring Mack truck back to Scranton or Steel back to Pittsburgh. All union membership has done is guarentee the member will eventually be unemployed. However, overall and for the greater number, outsourcing is better for our economy.
I don't have a problem with outsourcing. My company provides outsourcing. The government should be doing a lot more outsourcing than it currently does. I don't agree that defense related projects should be outsourced. Defense projects really are a special case.
you mjust realize, outsourcing doesn't just happen with sending jobs off to India or China. It could also mean sending the jobs from New York to North Carolina etc etc.
Outsourcing may be good for the economy and help boost corporate profits, but what happens to the unskilled workers that have just lost thier jobs?

More people on benifits, more crime and all the rest that comes with social deprivation. Not everyone is able to go to university and retrain. Personally I think the savings made by this are not passed onto the consumer, it goes to the shareholders and the company execs.

You just need to look at some cities and towns in the north of the UK to see the effect this has had . There is a town near me that has had the factories moved abroad, no jobs thier now and it has one of the worst heroin problems in the country.
There's no doubt outsourcing jobs stinks for the guy who's job is outsourced. But look at the bigger picture: his job is outsourced and he becomes unemployed. Yet the company survives, sparing at least some jobs. The alternative to outsourcing is for the increased labor costs to eventually drive the company out of business in which case the unskilled laborer still loses his job along with everyone else in the company. Either way, cheap labor from other countries will eventually force the unskilled Western worker into the unemployment line.