Sleep position causes nightmares?


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Something that I've noticed recently is that if I sleep on my side (especially on the LEFT side), there is a high probability that I will have nightmares (or at least a very vivid dream) and wake up sweaty.

When I sleep on my back, however, this almost NEVER happens.

I've heard that sleeping on your left side puts pressure on your heart ... could this be the reason why? Is there some kind of physiological reason for this?

Because ever since I first noticed, I have been deliberately experimenting nearly every night and have received very consistent results.

Sleeping on my left side results in nightmares/sweating at least 80% of the time, whereas sleeping on my back results in the same only about 10% of the time (if even that much).

Is this specific to me, or does it hold true for everyone?

So while sleeping on my side may seem like the more comfortable/natural position, I still end up with a much more peaceful sleep when I do so on my back.