Skin Bumps with hard white centers?

How many of you have been told by doctor's that these are self inflicked. I want to slap the doc and scream at the top of my lungs. I have a very scared body from these deep rooted white things. Some are like little marbles, some look like little white tiny seeds. So depressed about them. Why can't doctor's figure this out? I have seen hundreds and hundreds of postings, so we are not alone.
mystery bumps

You've done a good job describing exactly what i'm experiencing.
It is definitely not molluscum, folliculitis or milia.
If anyone finds an answer--please post!

I have the same problem with these bumps as the others. It looks like acne at first but once the top comes off there are little white dots (sometimes more then one in the same bump). The sore will scab over but will not heal. Removing the scab the white dots usually have come closer to the surface and can be grabbed gently with tweezers (can not squeeze them out like a normal zit) and pulled. Many times mine are rubbery and will seem to stretch as I am extracting them. If the tweezers slip the dot will slide back into the skin and have to wait for it to resurface after a few days before trying again. If I get it out I have had some that are perfectly round and some that are elongated. I tend to believe it has something to do with hair follicles since the majority of mine occur on my face along my jaws and cheeks where I shave. Recently got one in the bend of my right arm.

To all the people that suggest the common ailments thank you, but we have looked at those and all that were mentioned so far aren't it.

I plan on keep looking and will post if I find something.
Wow, I am glad I found this post, I have been suffering from the same thing for the past few years, it is horrible, I am so depressed, it is affecting my life greatly. I too agree that there seems to be a couple different conditions being talked about here. None of the clinical names posted here like Folliculitis, etc.are what I am experiencing. Mine are acne like, red bumps, with tha rubbery piece of puss that needs to be pulled with tweezers, when and if pulled cleaned it leaves a crate and bleed profusely.
Ive been experiencing it for almost 2 years now, its been happening around my eyes, what i found helpful, buy an aloe plant, after taking a shower, bath whatever, wash your skin normally then cut a piece of the aloe plant off cut it in half and apply to skin (you dont need alot).. its a natural moistener doesn't have any grease in it.. so its just the right amount that the skin needs...
makes them go away ... but i find that when i stress out... they come out of nowhere...
I think I have what your talking about and it isn't molluscum contagiousum. I went to my doctor and he told me sunlight keeps them at bay, avoid hot showers and a cream you can get from the pharmacy that has 5% peroxide in it. I have been using the cream twice a day since I went and in 2 weeks I havn't seen any new bumps. I get them really bad on my arms so I am really glad I actually found a doctor who knew what it was...
This is exactly what I have. I wish someone could find out what it is.
I have the same problem with these bumps as the others. It looks like acne at first but once the top comes off there are little white dots (sometimes more then one in the same bump). The sore will scab over but will not heal. Removing the scab the white dots usually have come closer to the surface and can be grabbed gently with tweezers (can not squeeze them out like a normal zit) and pulled. Many times mine are rubbery and will seem to stretch as I am extracting them. If the tweezers slip the dot will slide back into the skin and have to wait for it to resurface after a few days before trying again. If I get it out I have had some that are perfectly round and some that are elongated. I tend to believe it has something to do with hair follicles since the majority of mine occur on my face along my jaws and cheeks where I shave. Recently got one in the bend of my right arm.

To all the people that suggest the common ailments thank you, but we have looked at those and all that were mentioned so far aren't it.

I plan on keep looking and will post if I find something.

I posted this a few months back, now for an update.

I was donating blood and the nurse was concerned about my high Hemoglobin level. When I went to the Dr to have this problem seen about the Hematologist explained that high concentration of Hemoglobin (blood to thick) causes high hematocrit levels. Combined this causes the blood to circulate poorly and not reach the smaller cappilaries (i.e. the ones near the surface of the skin). After beginning treatments of withdrawing blood and refilling with I.V. bags (have donated four pints of blood in 8 weeks as therapeutic procedure). The sores from the existing bumps are healing quickly and currently no signs of any new bumps starting. The ones that I have heal quickly once I pull the existing core. This may or may not help everyone, but those that have these may want to have this checked.

I have come to believe that do to my blood circulation issue that blood wasn't getting to the follicules correctly to supply nutrients and remove waste which caused the build up of this hard/rubbery keratonis type material. I have five small spots left (four on the bend of my right arm and one on the bend of my left arm). I believe I extracted the last of the cores (which were smaller then usual) from these spots and they are healing nicely. I'll check back later to see if maybe this has helped.
If def sounds like Molluscum Contagiosum. I had it, dont know where it came from but I went to the dermatologist and she had to remove each one individually with this special instrument. Its gross and took a long time to go away.
Its definately Molluscum - I had it, go to a dermatologist.
It took months to go away and each one should be removed, its spreads and the innner white center is contagious.
i have the same exact problem/any news as to what they are?
Its definately Molluscum - I had it, go to a dermatologist.
It took months to go away and each one should be removed, its spreads and the innner white center is contagious.
It definitely, definitely isn't. But great of you to proclaim this completely straight forward, easily diagnosed condition the answer, as the xth person in a row. Thanks!
I get the same things, with the hard core that must be removed. Actually, I only get one, in exactly the same place. Once I remove the hard center, you can see the little crater; once it heals theres nothing there. About every 6 months or so it will come back in exactly the same place.

I doesnt bleed. Its not a pimple exactly - althougth thats what it initially looks like. And it not any of these previously mentioned skin conditions.

I have no idea what it is, but it's very annoying.
What the heck

I have the exact same thing as previous posters. I get these big bumps that sometimes appear a little red, but mostly white. I have to prick a whole into them and try to grab the hard, rubbery white thing and pull it out with tweezers. Sometimes I can get it and sometimes I can. Those little buggers are attached to the follicle or something. The only difference is mine appear on my bikini line, around my breasts and chest. They don't have a hair in them and bleed A LOT when I put out the hard, white substance. There is no rhyme or reason to them. I've had this issue for about 5 years now. I hope someone can figure out what they are.

So I first got a few of these "pimples" with the little white seed thingy in the middle and once removed it bled quite a bit for a few minutes on the inside of my thighs and then on my lower abdomen and now my hand. I was concerned it was an std or something of the sort but I have only been with one woman for quite awhile whom does not have these things. I will say I'm super happy I found this forum because I was freaking out!! What they heck causes these and should we be alarmed??
I have the exact same thing as what people have here, this was the second time i have googled the symptoms and found this thread.

With a Dr would comment on what it could be.
if its the same thing as what im experiencing...its not molluscum contagiousum. ive been to 10 dotors now and 2 dermetologists. no answers yet, just guesses. they like to guess alot and not perform any test which might give an answer. ive been dealing with this for a year now. it started on my face, looked like acne...then it spread to my neck and chest and back, bith sides mirroring each other in the place ment of the bumps(not an exact placement, but just so you get the idea) and they dont want to go away and they just multiply, if i pick them, hard white stuff comes out, some realy hard, like salt, and some soft. then some of them will scab over and the scab will just stay there, and you have to pick that off. some of the scabs just come back and they wont stop, even it it sits there for 2 weeks, it still wont go and when i pick it off, its back within hours. i have some bumps that have mad lumps or scars on my skin. my skin is flakey and dry, or realy oily at times, its crazy whats going on. first i was told allergic reaction, them staff, then mrsa (because it responded to cephlexin and antibiotic) they said mrsa cause it was slow to respond to the anti biotic(resistance) but mrsa is puss filled and this is not, so i dont know whats going on in there heads. anyway they never tested me for mrsa on the skin, but gave me that diagnosis anyway. so i had a nose swab done to see if there was mrsa in my nose...test was negative. so then i was told eczema, hormones, scabbies, acne, keratosis pilaris. thing is i know its contagious, cause my bf and kids have same bumps, but not as bad as i do. but the doctors fail to listen to me on that and diagnose me with stupid things that cant be contagious ie... the acne, hormones eczema etc.. we tried permetherin (scabbies med.)that did nothing. i was on the ceplexin for 23 days, it was almost gone, but then the doctor switched me to doxycyle(antibiotic used for mrsa) it did nothing and the bumps slowly returned. ive tried steriod creams, and nothing. ive had oral steriods, wich helped with the feel and look of my hair, wich has been a mess since this all started, its breaking off, and the bumps at my hair line made my hair fall out. am tired of not knowing, and am sure others in this situation are as well. it has messed up my face and left scars. am going to another derm. in a few weeks hopefull hes not as stupid as all the others...and ill have an answer and will post it.
i wrote the post right above this one. what had worked for me, was an anti bacterial wash hibiclens. its a bit harsh, but it helped with the inflammation on my face caused by the bumps that wouldn't go away and would start to get infected. i was also prescribed retin a micro pump.04 % which after 3 month helped a lot. it quickly regenerates new skin cells. it worked for a few months, but the bumps have seemed to speed up their process and beat the medication. i had to go get another round of anti biotics to make the bumps go away. to all those who say, kp, folliculitus, molluscum contagiousum, don't even post. has anyone else had luck with these bumps on antibiotics? and just because an antibiotic works on it, doesn't make it bacterial. it could be a parasite causing a bacteria in the skin, causing an allergic reaction in the body. i can tell you i have found tink black hair like peices on my skin and seem like they are constantly coming out when i dig out the stuff in my skin. i know what your going to say...morgellans...but dont...these arnt large red or blue fibers. they are all the same size and shape...almost too tiny to see. since ive had this so long ive been careful to examine my skin and what comes out of it carefully. when this all started, my skin felt like it was on fire and itched to no it rarely itches, but the bumps are still there. i have to say that around my period, the rash gets better, but soon as its done and over, immediately they begin to come back. hope this helps.
Its like they always come back!

These things fucking piss me off!! I can feel them under my skin and I can dig them out, and then my face will heal and not feel sore. But if the little white piece of shit doesn't come out the first time I grab it with my tweezers, it goes deeper in the skin. Then I am sitting there digging it out until I destroy my face!! When I finally get it, I know I have it all b/c it is so relieving and a nice trickle of blood will flow and the surrounding skin doesn't feel like its being stretched. If I can't dig it out, I get fed up and leave it to heal so I can try it again another day. The whole time knowing and feeling it in there. Also if I get it out my face heals so much quicker than if the thing is still in there. When its in there its constant irritation!

Its more like a cyst than anything. I've searched all the stuff mentioned in here and none of it is anywhere close. The only thing I came across was something called "acne vulgaris" kinda makes sense but none of the pictures match. They are all like the worst cases and mine is mild to say the least. I grew my beard out for 9 months and never had a problem during that time. As soon as I shave and wash my bare face, BAM!, they will come back. This has made me into a picker. I hate it! I'll pull hairs and end up getting an entire root and feeling like I have accomplished something. but its not the same as the deep feeling that those things make in my face.

Anyone else get a chance to look at the acne vulgaris. The book picture is maybe the closest representation. Still close to a cyst but deeper and not right at the top layer of skin. Deep dwelling in the dermal. Its like you can feel it building and pushing the surrounding skin away causing swelling.