Skin Bumps with hard white centers?

I have them in my nose like in the middle! i pop them and this white dot of stuff comes out? like what are they. im afraid to go to the dermatologist.
this is a really great thread; i too have these odd things, mostly on my back and face. i pick them compulsively. Once the skin is broken slightly, I can usually get a hold of it with tweezers... but you have to be careful, as the other post stated, because it will sink back into the skin if you go to fast. What I end up with most of the time is a strange chunk of whiteish-fleshy-squishy-somethin'. sometimes, you can pop them... sometime they are just rubbery, almost tube-like chunks. they bleed profusely, leaving scars.

i'd like to know more about how long people have had them. i have only had this particular problem for a few years... as I see others have stated. This is very strange.

My mind jumps to chemtrails, but, perhaps it's something in else in the food/air/water/enviro that we're particularly sensitive too?


I have those things on my skin too.I think it came from a seat belt.It started in my forehead and went to my back.Do you have a few a [email protected]
I have this exact thing, as described in some of the posts in this thread, mainly on my right forearm. On the inside of forearm about 10-15 of them.

Tiny dots (smaller than what molluscum contagiousum look on the web pics, and also there is no "dimple" on them, no identation; so I don't think its molluscum contagiousum), sometimes more visible than other times. They are not KP (keratosis pilaris) i'm pretty sure.

I use my nails and pop out the tiny (1mm or smaller) hard, fat or whatever it is.. its a tiny dot. After this , it bleeds a little .

This is not a regular pimple, I know pimples. I get pimples on face sometimes, on back and chest sometimes. Those are usual pimples, with puss you can pop, they don't bleed, unless they are very big.

The raised tiny dots are different. (some of the smaller ones are not really raised, but you can see that there is a white dot under the first layer of skin)

Does anyone have ideas? I have been looking and looking. Looks like something viral, I don't know.

If you have any suggestions, please post.
Your answer is Fordyce's spots. It is a cosmetic condition only and can be laser treated.

Thanks for the input but NO these people do not have Fordyce's spots...not even
Both my young boys have had these spots too. My 5 yr old had them on his chest, outside of his armpit and inner thigh. My 4 yr old has a few just on the back of his left knee. They don't seem to care much but those bumps bug me! I haven't seen any pattern due to season or heat or anything. But they do share baths.
So has anyone determined what these are? I also have the "zit like" ones, but only on my face. They do not go away until the white hard core is plucked out by tweezers. I agree that if you do it too early it "sucks" in and you have to wait again for it to be ready. It is awful. All of my zits are like this and it takes forever for them to go away........any help would be great. I looked at pics of all the mentioned "conditions" and none of them pertain to me.
Me too

It seems like there are two different conditions being described. I get the small bumps on my face with the hard white center that needs to be extracted with tweezers. (not at all squishy or ball like). Will not go away until the center is removed and leave craters that take time to heal.

I have recently begun to worry that it could be flecks of bone working up since it only seems be along the jaw bone, brow line and cheeck bones.
Lots of issues....few solutions

It's amazing that this blog is here. I thought I was the only one with these weird things. My derm thought that it was rosacea, and gave me several creams, but none of them worked. The only time they went away is when I was on a strong antibiotic for another reason....but then they came back again.

Yes, it sounds like people are talking about several different things.....I have the hard white bumps under a scab that don't heal until picked out with a tweezer (sometimes going back in until they surface again). (My daughter has the white bumps on her arms that I think are keratosis pilaris and it's a totally different thing!)

We need some brilliant derm to find out what these are and get a solution for us!
Check out pictures of Folliculitis. I have similar things and the least extreme pictures are very similar to what I have.
i have this and have battled it for years i am scarred up and have the little nots i thought it was a parasite then i quit drinking water from the tap and have started looking better as still bathing in the water i am allergic to sulphur and i recently moved from a water system that was poorly maintain and high in minerals i have noticed that poorly maintained water systems with hard hard water increases these bumps.I have been treated for lupus and staph niether one is is it.try getting a reverse osmosis system for your water and you should notice some major healing i think it is minerals that your body cannot expell from it. my skin is tough from country water but it still sucks up the water.i have been to several doctors and they have not helped try this it is the only thing that has worked for me.Iwould like to hear from someone else that has tried this [email protected]
I'm curious to know if any of you use either face scrubs or body washes with the 'scrubbing beads' in it? When I switched face scrubs (to one with the little beads in it) .. I got one of what you all are describing on my chin. Only one. Took me forever to get the white center part out, but once I did, it healed up and has not come back (thankfully).. Well, I wondered if perhaps part of the "grit" of washes were somehow clogging up the skin?

I'm sure that's not the case, but I'm curious as to how many of you use those types of things and suffer from this issue?
molluscum contagisom. very common in kids and considered to be an STD among adults. This is due to the fact that on adults it usually shows up on the genitals
it's so insulting when someone says that its something common like molluscum contagiosum/acne/keratosis pilaris duh...I think the hundreds of doctors and dermatologists that suferers of this strange symptom go see would figure that out! freaking know it alls..this is something unique..doesnt look like wart like molluscum even tho it has a core..the core doesnt look like a piece of rice like our problem..sore is not like acne or red like dermatologist thinks its self induced and to prove it she will only do a biopsy on a core that wasnt sratched even tho i had a sore with dozens of these "cores". i told her they fell like slivers and want them out !! she didnt care and i never went back...hope to find answer here...
I believe the answer is milia - I get them too. There is not "cure" and the best way to prevent them is daily exfoliating.
I suffer from the same thing. The closest thing I came up with is that they are boils. Or a type of boil.
I have the same problem with these bumps as the others. It looks like acne at first but once the top comes off there are little white dots (sometimes more then one in the same bump). The sore will scab over but will not heal. Removing the scab the white dots usually have come closer to the surface and can be grabbed gently with tweezers (can not squeeze them out like a normal zit) and pulled. Many times mine are rubbery and will seem to stretch as I am extracting them. If the tweezers slip the dot will slide back into the skin and have to wait for it to resurface after a few days before trying again. If I get it out I have had some that are perfectly round and some that are elongated. I tend to believe it has something to do with hair follicles since the majority of mine occur on my face along my jaws and cheeks where I shave. Recently got one in the bend of my right arm.

To all the people that suggest the common ailments thank you, but we have looked at those and all that were mentioned so far aren't it.

I plan on keep looking and will post if I find something.