Should we torture and send Buford Rogers to GITMO, the right winged terrorist

May 10, 2013
whose attack was thwarted? Buford Rogers who is a part of the right winged Militia wanted to bomb Government buildings in a small town in Minnesota, however the FBI thwarted his attempt. Taking the cons logic we should not read him his Miranda rights and forget about his right to due process and a speedy trial. Or is that just the law for Islamic terrorists?
No, and neither should be have done so with the Boston Bomber. Both are American citizens. Therefore, they are covered under the US Constitution.
As a veteran yes because he is accuse of domestic plotting harm in the United States. Personally I would advice treating any American born and any foreign born terrorist as one and the same. They gave up their citizenship when they plotted against their country and its citizens. I'm sure you need not worry Homeland Security will protect his rights against the FBI and Justice department.