Should we consider Judaism, Christianity and Islam as one religion?


Jun 4, 2008
Since they are all Abrahamic in nature? Shouldn't Judaism, Christianity and Islam be considered denominations instead of separate religions?

Judaism started with Abraham as the founding patriarch said to be around 1500 BCE, and then the Hebrew Bible called the Tanakh - also known as the Old Testament - was finalized around 200 BCE.

Christianity veered from Judaism - starting out as a Jewish sect - around the 1st century because they considered Jesus as the son of God and later established the New Testament around 45 CE.

Islam came after Christianity with Muhammad blending Hanif or pre-Islamic monotheism with a blend of both Jewish and Christian beliefs and thus forming the Koran in 633 CE.

Sounds like one religion with three major denominations to me. What do you think?
The main difference is that being a Christian is having a personal relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ - it is NOT a religion
I've been saying the same thing for years now, and people just look at me like I'm crazy. Yes, they are the same religion, they just branched off in slightly different directions. They have much more in common with each other than they have differences.
Good idea! I would love to see the Pope shouting Allah il Allah from the minaret in Cairo!

I don't consider them one religion at all. Even though they share common elements of mythology, they don't really believe in the same gods.

Jews were the first to worship YHWH and their mythos is part of Christianity and Islam.

Christianity is VERY different. They have a triune godhead, which is very un-Jewish. And Mary is almost a goddess (in Catholic and Orthodox practice) and the saints are like little demigods. Christianity also has all kinds of new beliefs layered on. Like Jesus dying for your sins. In Judaism, nobody needs to die for your sins.

Islam is in some ways more like Judaism. It's very monotheistic and orthoprax.
most certainly not
Judaism and Christianity are very close, Christianity being the completion of Judaism, but Islam took us back to the dark ages, I don't even consider it an 'Abrahamic' religion
the bible even warned against false prophets, so no, Christians would not agree, Muslims wouldn't and neither would Jews!

The basis of each religion is different, even though they have many simularities

Judaism is waiting for the messiah and denies Christ
Christianity accepts Christ and believes he is the messiah
and Islam is a religion without a promise of heaven and you get there by your works
they are all very different in terms of salvation
most certainly not
Judaism and Christianity are very close, Christianity being the completion of Judaism, but Islam took us back to the dark ages, I don't even consider it an 'Abrahamic' religion
the bible even warned against false prophets, so no, Christians would not agree, Muslims wouldn't and neither would Jews!

The basis of each religion is different, even though they have many simularities

Judaism is waiting for the messiah and denies Christ
Christianity accepts Christ and believes he is the messiah
and Islam is a religion without a promise of heaven and you get there by your works
they are all very different in terms of salvation
Should we consider Judaism, Christianity and Islam as one religion?

What do you think?
--JudeoIslamicChristianity is too long of a title for future references.
While they are certainly interrelated, I would say that Judaism would so no to being considered part of a larger religion that including a belief in the Trinty, etc. Even Islam denies Jesus as deity and therefore, there is no common thread, only a common beginning.

(If they become one religion, it is the worst religion ever)
Makes sense. However, I don't think anybody belonging to one of those three religions would be too keen on that idea!