Should Sun Readers be allowed in First Class rail compartments?

You'll find that if you could ever elevate yourself above the gutter level of first class, and somehow managed by some strange feat to find yourself in "Superior Class", you would find that the person or persons in this area would, without reasonable doubt be reading a copy of this fine news manuscript that you may be aware of known as The Sun. The "Superior Class" that I refer to is very selective of the persons allowed to travel within. I am of course talking of the Driving Cab, where upper class fools such as yourself would never reach the level of education or qualification to tread these hallowed boards
Yes YesI totally see your point old boy.Wouldn't surprise me a bit if you found the ticket to be a complete forgery, Sun readers have been known to stoop to a lot worse behavior just to appear "normal" if you know what I mean. Your patience is highly commendable, you waited far far longer than most chaps would have, I will check at the club to see if there is some sort of humanitarian award you might be eligible for. Good show for showing such control under those appalling conditions, proving once again that GREAT Britain is the very pinnacle of the civilized Universe.
Those of us who regularly travel on First Great Western have come to the conclusion the company must be managed by Sun readers