Sunday is 'Sauce Castillo Night' in Sacramento, as it should be


Jun 17, 2007
Sunday is Sauce Castillo Night. We don’t care what you do on Sunday morning, or how you fill Sunday afternoon. Do understand that by reading this you are expected to treat Sunday night – Sauce Castillo Night – with the proper reverence.
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Sadly, for the ninth straight year, Kings fans haven’t had as much to cheer about as their contemporaries in two other NBA cities in California, but at least they’ll have Sauce Castillo Night (on Sunday, against the Utah Jazz) to remember this misspent season by:
Every fan gets free sauce. EVERY FAN GETS FREE SAUCE!*
**we don’t know what kind of sauce is in that bottle. It literally could be any type of sauce. There is a pepper in the ‘Sauce Castillo’ logo, but that’s all the news we have at this moment as to what sort of sauce is in the bottle. Please email us, Sacramento Kings, RE: SAUCE.
You’ll recall how this started, when a rogue closed caption-er decided that it was time that rookie Sacramento Kings guard Nik Stauskas got a nickname:
My closed captioning just referred to Nik Stauskas as "Sauce Castillo" and I will never be able to not call him this again
— Andrew Unterberger (@AUgetoffmygold) March 25, 2015
Then Deadspin found a screenshot:
Then our own Dan Devine worked tirelessly through the evening hours in his attempts NAY HIS SUCCESSES IN LEADING SAUCE CASTILLO INTO A THING THAT BECAME A THING.
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Dan’s post hit Yahoo’s front page. Then Nik Stauskas was made aware:
Lol this Sauce Castillo thing escalated way too quickly!!!
— Nik Stauskas (@NStauskas11) March 26, 2015
And now Sacramento Kings fans will get free sauce on Sunday. They might even get a win over the Utah Jazz, if they can manage to get the Jazz heavily sauced in the hours before tipoff.
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Kelly Dwyer
is an editor for Ball Don't Lie on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @KDonhoops