Should my gym teacher get in trouble for making comments like these?


New member
Feb 21, 2013
so I have this gym teacher in high school who is young, (younger than 30 I think) really pretty and good looking and red headed, and she teaches physical education and Health and so we are doing the swimming unit and while in the pool she was walking around and she then said to me and some of my friends later when we were walking back to the locker room to change that she likes the swimming unit the most because she likes to look at all the male students without their shirts on in the water and it gives her lots to look at and she hopes they all look nice for her. While it is kind of surprising to me since I would assume a teacher would usually have more prudish thoughts, the actual comment doesn't bother me in the slightest , but if some kid who was around me decides to go cry about it, will she get in trouble? I talked to a friend of mine about it (who wasn't there) and he says it is wrong and she should get in trouble but I don't see why, she is looking not touching
Yes she would get fired but no legal action could be taken against her.

So you don't care probably because she's a woman. Think about if it was a 30 year old male teacher who said the same thing to you. How would you feel then. Is it ok because she's female? What if a male teacher said it to under age girls?
no law against looking
a very unfortunate remark from any teacher
guess what teachers are human, humans are sexual
Even if you told on her, she won't get in trouble. She's a teacher, she can lie anytime she wants but it depends if she fails at it.
Yes of course you cant say that shed be fired if an adult knew thats inappropriate i like that above think if a male said it its no different id tell someone just out of pure principle
Yes but looking leads to touching in a lot of cases. It is not appropriate for a teacher to think of her students like that and even if she does she shouldn't verbalize it. That may not be my opinion but that is what the education system does say.