Should I ask my girlfriend to introduce me to her parents?


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I want to propose my girlfriend for marriage.. after she agrees, I want to seek her parents' approval.. YOUR VIEWS - should I ask my girlfriend to introduce me to her parents? or should we contact through a marriage bureau to have a feel of an arranged love marriage? I love my girlfriend a lot, she is li'l upset with me at the moment.. Thanx in advance for suggestions!
I think that you will propose your Gf first then ask her For meeting her Parents
That depends on how are her parents. If theyre a strictly gainst love marriage or stereotypes abt how love marriages are just for movies etc.... then go for the bureau.
If theyre cool people n doesnt mind guy friends and are broad minding just can straight away tell them in the right tine
By the way dont "ask" ur girlfriend to introduce u to their parents.... leave that decision to her. All the best