Man Surprises Partner With Christmas Visit From Her Parents After 2 Years of Separati


Jun 17, 2007
An Irish man captured the emotional moment his partner was reunited with her parents after two years of separation.Photographer Gary Cummins organised the surprise visit for his partner Erandi, who he lives with in Toronto, Canada. The footage was recorded at his parents’ home in Ireland.Cummins said he travels home to Ireland for Christmas every year without fail, but it was especially important for him to come back as he lost his father to cancer this year.“I knew this year could be tough, especially for my Mam. We were determined to make it home this year even with all the crap that’s going on. We needed to be here for my Mam. I decided it would be a good idea to bring our families together this year,” Cummins told Storyful.This video shows Erandi’s parents sitting at Cummins’ mother’s kitchen table. Erandi then walks in and bursts into tears, hugging her parents and Cummins.“I thought it would be a really nice surprise for the woman that I love and cherish in my life,” Cummins said in the video. Credit: Gary Cummins via Storyful