Shotokan Karate, With Poor Flexibility?


New member
Aug 21, 2010
I am about to start Shotokan Karate, but my flexibility is very poor, like when I do stretches, I cant reach my toes and when tryna stretch my groin (in a splits like position), i barely get anywhere. I also struggle to do a high kick on someones head, I cant get my foot above their waist.

Can you suggest any useful techniques I could try, and will I be able to improve this poor stretching ability?

Thx. Any relative information is much appreciated!
Flexibility comes in time, just keep practicing. Whenever you stretch, go as far as you can and hold it for about ten seconds. You should improve little by little if you keep that up
The best thing you can do is continue to stretch. It doesn't happen overnight, but you will notice results if you keep at it. Make sure you warm up before you stretch, jumping jacks, some low kicks, a quick jog, etc. I train front and side splits roughly 5 times a week and I've seen great results in my kicking ability.