She's gorgeous, smart and funny, but doesn't date. What gives?


May 16, 2008
So, there's this girl. For anonymity's sake, we'll refer to her as 'Penney'. Well, Penney is 20, cute as a button literary geek who to boot is a musician and has a killer taste in music. We've had a few conversations now, and from what I'm gathering? She's never been in a relationship before. So I guess the question I'm really asking is this- how do I get her to see me in that kind of light/change her mind on the whole relationship thing?
I think your best chance is to tell her how you feel about her and ask her for a chance to let you change her mind about relationships. I have always found with relationships honesty is the best way to go, and I think she be very flatter if you told her how you feel about her. Good luck!
If she likes you, she will already see that "light/change" in you. It's all about who she is attracted to and who is right for her.
Did you ask her why she's never been in a relationship? Try to get the subject to that and figure out thr reason she's single and if she likes it that way.
Has she specifically told you she doesn't want to be in a relationship or has she simply never gone out before? If she's told you she doesn't want to date, no big deal just move on. If she just hasn't gone out with anyone before that's probably better, less drama and nobody to be compared to!
So from what i understand she has never dated a guy before. If she is open to dating but just hasn't dated any guys then just get to know her a little better and ask her out on a date! Take it from there. If she told you she doesn't date then i don't see how you can change her mind besides being yourself and continuing to get to know her better. If you go on a date but she doesn't want to date you it might be your not her type or just isn't ready for a relationship yet.
well if she doesnt date then thats going to b a problem i suggest in this case u have to b particuarily slow and gentle and in time she'll c dont worry pls answer mine
Sounds like you described me :p Lol let me stop, you can't make her like you or anything. Your best bet is to get her to realize YOU like her and go from there. If she likes you back then swag. If she doesn't then life will go on.
See how she reacts to mild flirting. Maybe no guys have showed intrest in her before is all.
Maybe people are too intimidated by her to make a move. Sack up man, and get it done!

Also, is it weird that you are thinking "relationship" already? Try dating first.