This girl smokes...and I'm allergic to nicotine...what should I do?


New member
Oct 7, 2010
So this girl that likes me, and I think she's pretty cool, she smokes. I'm allergic to nicotine, gives me a headache, makes me nauseous and gives me rashes on my legs (bizzare huh?) and not to mention, I can't stand the smell, and it definitely doesn't help my pursuit of playing basketball professionally overseas (I've actually had an offer in the past, before I tore my MCL) out very much. She tries to hide it, but I can still taste it. Anyways, I want her to quit, but I know she'll just do it anyways, considering her whole family smokes, and all of her friends too. So what should I do? I'm not super attached, but I'm not completely un-attached either. We aren't official, so I'm going to tell her I won't date a smoker, but she'll just say she'll quit and do it anyways. Which I won't stand for. So should I just lay the smack down and say hell nah, or what? Thanks guys. :) PEEEACCEE not to mention, she's under age, 17. Ugh. Anyways, have a good night.
Tell her that you are allergic to nicotine and if she can't stop smoking then you will have to leave her. Maybe tell her she is going to die 10 years earlier for some emphasis.