Same voltage lower amp output. Lithium ion cellphone battery charger help?


May 11, 2008
Last night I broke the charger for my phone, so I've been using my car charger in the mean time until I get a new one. It's not too big of a deal or anything, but it's really inconvenient so I started looking for a spare charger with the same connector tip.
To my luck (or not) I found one with the exact same tip, exact same input voltage and amp, same output voltage, but a slightly lower output amp.

My old charger's output is 5V 1A, while the spare one I found is 5V 800mA

Would it be okay to use the spare charger? Does that lower 200mA difference matter? What if I only use the spare charger when the phone is not in use, theoretically it won't need to draw out all 1000mA?
I've been doing a little research on google but the answers that came out were inconsistent and I don't want to fry my phone.

Thanks guys.
It is fine. It will take a little longer to charge, thats all.

Not usuing the phone while on that charger will help.
You certainly won't damage your phone as long as the connectors are the same!
800mA is in fact only 0.8A instead of your original 1A one - so charging completely will take a wee bit longer - but if you leave your phone 'on charge' overnight as you sleep then all will be fine in the morning