Republicans are whining about class warfare? but what were they doing when...


New member
Jan 9, 2009
...they had power? Was that not class warfare?

Maybe from now on whenever the Republicans push for any other policies, we should all jump up and cry "hey thats class warfare".....I mean since every single one of their policy choices favors the rich over the middle class. If thats not class warfare, I dont know what is.
I simply have no idea what you're talking about. I understand you're badly confused about how economics works and you're believing in the Liberal/Non-Democratic slander of the Republican and Conservatives (althought sometimes it is deserved, but not most). I just don't know how to answer your question in a way that will help you out without you specifically siting examples of what the heck you're talking about.

For the record, there are a lot more democrats for the wealthy than there are republicans, they just hide behind smoke and mirrors and are backhanded about things more than their counter-parts. Conservatives usually don't perpetuate class warfare by pointing out and rewarding divides in the classes, they usually just want to give everyone fair opportunities to choose their own destiny. Liberals/Democrats and even most Republicans now seem to want to identify and perpetuate the differences b/w the classes, promote jealousy instead of admiration to the wealthy, and give to people there-by enslaving them to the whims of the government. In doing so, they lock the classes where they are and try to force a huge middle class with a very very small and elite wealthy. This is the EXACT structure of a Socialist system.