Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

Ava: 8/10 - Me like cool looking dragon-thingies
SIig: 9/10 - Clever, and true!

HAHA - now waits to get his shocking low quality crappy-kick avatar and meaningless sig rated
HAHA - no, it WAS me jumping roundhouseing a bag!!! Bad kick with a bad pic!

I aim to please Just changed it before anyone saw the shocking old one

For the record I'm gonna strike you down with my harsh criticism

Ava: Nice blue looking angelic beast 7/10
Sig: I agree 8/10

EDIT: Now I've changed my avatar
Someone rate me! Full version below.
Give you a 6 for the avatar, can't quite tell what it is, a dragon I think.

An 8 for the sig because NO I CAN'T do a handstand and never could....

avatar: 7/10- cause it looks cool

sig: 8/10- cause it's good and you usually have great ones!

'Tis a good day to die! i'm ready to be rated!...
Avatar - 4/10 I think I'm being generous here.
Sig - 3/10 poor graofftopicr and punctuation in the first half.
there, changed my avatar now to the one and only fish of doom! instead of that lame paint thingy, still not very good though. EDIT: I think it doesn't appear yet, so if it does not we'll have to wait

also where does my sig have bad graofftopicr i'll correct it right away so please tell me.

the punctuation was meant to be like that, it was more for a kinda lame dramatic effect, read it and you'll se the lamo drama effect in action

by the way your avatar's cool!, though i won't rate you since i already rated kwaj
i think that fish stil looks a bit funny.. is he supposed to be wearing an eye-mask (blue thingy)?
avatar 4/10
sig 6/10
I'll up the avatar to a 6/10

as for the sig,
"Persevere, And Respect." - that's not a sentence, and there should be no coofftopic before "and".
I'm not really bothered about my avatar as long as it has my favorite film characters on it!!!
yeah not very good, but that's FOD's ultimate power the NOSE LIGHTNING!!!!!!!!


not all groups of words are sentences, for what i know it's a phrase, i learned that a couple days ago at school , besides i wrote it as it should be pronounced to get the lame drama effect, but let's stop now before we get a warning
Avatar 3/10 its unclear but i will give it 3 for the colours

Sig 3/10 as the first ones cheesy and I dont have a clue about the second one
Get rid of the coofftopic at least. I'm not too crazy about the caps either, but the words alone would get you a much higher rating.

And I still haven't gotten a rating!
OK - AZeitung, my opinion:

Ava: 6 / 10 for creepy skull head that you could claim is you

Sig: 4 / 10, but probably means more to someone who knows the professor

I'm ignoring Lucharaan for not playing fair and giving a vote on anyone
Jang Bong

Ava - 6/10 red is a cool colour but i don't know what that's a picture of!

sig - 8/10 supoib

avatar -> 6/10

avatar is cool but way too small... perhaps a closeup of face+hand+sword would be better to do if you have a large file to crop from? the small picture took many points away...

Sig -> 8/10

Futurama quote... gotta give it a big-up!