Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

Seeing as you missed NBD's Ill do it.....

Av: 7/10 - you have an honest face, and pleasant smile
Sig: 10/10 - Anything female and PVC related gets a 10 in my book

I'll do D33pthought's then:
Av - 3/10. Looks too much like my boss for my liking (he actually has that exact same haircut and a wonky eye)
Sig - 6/10. The comics are cool, but the dark links are pretty dull visually
7/10 for Cavallins avatar, can't quite see it properly tho.
Sig a bit dry 3/10 (but better than non-existent)
this is good...time to spice up sig!charm:
avatar 7/10 for coolness but greeny creepy man hehehe
sig 7/10 iron code of legend baby! hmm maybe im too into cutesy things to rate this one...someone else wana go?

Ava 6/10 - black and white is just sooooooo last season
Sig 7/10 - biceps are for the pub.....so you can drink more beers....aren't they? Extra point for referring to the beach......that's where all the pretty girls go.....
En taro whatatdar? All over the top of my woody cephalus I'm afraid and it still looks lupine to me.

Sig used to be "The great tragedy of Science: the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact" by Thomas H Huxley but I thought my profile was getting a bit busy and pretentious, so I cut it out. It's still a good quote though.
Avatar - 6/10 - cute, but after watching it for a few minutes it makes my brain ache

Sig - 10/10 - Any rhyme about someone tasting bird crap deserves full marks