quitting smoking relapse nicotine withdrawal?


New member
Feb 7, 2011
I quit smoking almost 2 months ago and had been smoking a pack a day for about 5 years. Last week I slipped up and had one cigarette and was o.k. the next day and then the day after that had another and was o.k. for a few days until yesterday I went out with some friends and had three cigarettes throughout the day. Now I feel like I am going through nicotine withdrawal all over again but to a lesser degree. I feel lightheaded and slow and groggy and anxious etc. just like the first week after quitting. So is it possible that i have somehow reactivated my nicotine addiction? For example If someone who has never smoked a cigarette before smokes a cigarette they will not feel any withdrawal symptoms. If someone who has a history of smoking but has quit smoking for a period of time and then has a cigarette will they then go through nicotine withdrawal more so than the never smoker? Or is it all habit/mental issues reactivated?