
  1. T

    Methamphetamine Withdrawal May Lead To Brain-Related Concerns For Recovering Addicts

    University of Florida researchers have found changes in the behavior and in the brains of mice in withdrawal from methamphetamine addiction. These findings may affect the way physicians treat recovering methamphetamine addicts, the researchers write in the current issue of the journal Synapse...
  2. A

    Is Food Withdrawal During A Diet Causing You To Be Depressed?

    Do you ever feel unhappy or more sensitive to stress when you're on a diet? Does it feel like things that would not normally bother you are suddenly impacting your mood a little bit more than usual? Because I always have when dieting, and I was extremely unpleasant to be around because of it...
  3. A

    Is it possible to die from Tobacco withdrawal?

    i am now on a process to reduce my smoking habits but i will shiver violently if i don't smoke for at least 2 hours. at night, i will go through extreme cold turkey and cannot sleep. i used to went through heroin withdrawal last year and it was like the worst human despair and agony i had went...
  4. J

    How long does nicotine withdrawal last?

    I'm on day 2 and determined to stay off them, just feel awful, headache, dizzy, fuzzy eyes, etc. I'm on day 10 of champix but have noticed nothing different on the tablets so feel like I'm cold turkey, I have been a 20 a day smoker for 32 years, determined to be an ex smoker very soon!
  5. C

    just quit smoking. what are normal nicotine withdrawal symptoms?

    so i just quit smoking and all i smoked was rolled cigarettes. i've been coughing horribly lately especially at night, and coughing up phlegm. is this normal? i did not cough this bad before i quit. would having rolled my own smokes make a difference?
  6. C

    Is cocaine withdrawal worse than nicotine withdrawal?

    I was watching The wire and i seems its not that bad compared to heroine which seems pretty shitty.
  7. E

    how long do nicotine withdrawal symptoms last?

    my exams start in 10 days. really important ones. now i've been smoking for the past 7 or 8 months. i want to quit smoking cold turkey. it's just that i read one the withdrawal symptoms is lack of concentration which can not be good for my exams. should i postpone it to after my exams are over...
  8. T

    Reducing Disease Flares By Tweaking Withdrawal Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications Be

    As guidelines recommend, doctors appear to be stopping anti-TNF medications before surgery, but may be doing so far sooner than is necessary, according to a new study by researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery. These medications are used to treat a variety of inflammatory diseases, including...
  9. B

    What does a withdrawal from nicotine feel like?

    I have recently stop smoking and wanted to know how the withdrawal is going to be I have been a smoker for 2year s
  10. S

    PLEASE HELP! before my boyfriend and I go crazy from sex withdrawal lol?

    Ok so me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 8 months now n we hardly ever get to have sex :'( its becoming really stressful for both of us, and oh yeah we're both 18 by the way. but anyway, I have a car so we could have sex in my car but there is NO where for us to park where we...
  11. D

    quitting smoking relapse nicotine withdrawal?

    I quit smoking almost 2 months ago and had been smoking a pack a day for about 5 years. Last week I slipped up and had one cigarette and was o.k. the next day and then the day after that had another and was o.k. for a few days until yesterday I went out with some friends and had three cigarettes...
  12. D

    quitting smoking relapse nicotine withdrawal?

    I quit smoking almost 2 months ago and had been smoking a pack a day for about 5 years. Last week I slipped up and had one cigarette and was o.k. the next day and then the day after that had another and was o.k. for a few days until yesterday I went out with some friends and had three cigarettes...
  13. T

    Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms?

    I want know if i;m just sick or if i'm having a nicotine withdrawal. for the past 4 days ive been having a soar throat horrible headaches and sweats and chills. Ive been smoking ciggerettes for a while off and on sometimes I would smoke about 5-6 in a day then not even smoke for about 4 days but...
  14. Z

    Having a nicotine withdrawal.. what should I do to get through it?

  15. M

    I'm suffering horse withdrawal, lol?

    ugh, I'm wanting so bad to just go get on a horse and ride away, but would settle (very happily) for a simple brushing. But there are none around, lol AM I the only one or does anyone else have the same problem?
  16. M

    I'm suffering horse withdrawal, lol?

    ugh, I'm wanting so bad to just go get on a horse and ride away, but would settle (very happily) for a simple brushing. But there are none around, lol AM I the only one or does anyone else have the same problem?
  17. N

    Cigarette Addiction and Withdrawal Symptoms

    Cigarettes are known to be very addictive. The powerful and fast acting drug present in cigarette that causes addiction is nicotine. Cigarette addiction is extremely hazardous to health. It affects many parts of the body simultaneously. The more the number of cigarettes, the greater is the...
  18. J

    Has anyone ever suffered from cruise withdrawal?

    I am going through it now. I miss having constant access to food or beverages. Being able to go grab a slice of pizza or a hamburger whenever I want. Getting an omelet during breakfast. Having dinner served in the afternoon (which I took completely for granted). I miss it all!
  19. M

    Heroin/nicotine withdrawal in jail?

    My ex has been on and off heroin for a couple years. He's tried suboxone and methadone and relapsed with both of them. He's been hospitalized and arrested and to rehab 5 times in this period of time. He's always WANTED to kick the habit, but could never get through the withdrawal in order to get...
  20. I

    Dealing with nicotine withdrawal?

    After quitting smoking i started to get extremely painful headaches. I'd say they're close to migraines. Does anyone have any remedies besides taking asprin or tylenol?