Question about a rescued lurcher that barks, whines and looks like he wants to


Jun 3, 2008
eat every dog that passing by.? Hi everyone

I have a 18 month old lurcher who’s a rescue which barks, lunges and whines at every dog going so walks are like near impossible. He is so terrible that I dread going for a walk.

He gets on ok with my other two dogs ok. As the lurcher is the youngest of the dogs at 18 months and the other two are 5 yrs old (who is a support dog for my partner) and 6 yrs old he is really bouncy compared to them.

I’ve tried changing his food to Burns which seems to help a little bit.

In the house he is ok apart from the fact it’s like he is always on alert twenty four seven. It’s just when out of the house he is like this when he sees other dogs and cats etc. he again is very alert when out walking and he pulls a little when walking on leash but he is mighty strong once he sees the other dogs and I can’t get his attention to distract him and unfortunally even if I see the dogs before him and try to distract he will spin round in order to get at them. I’ve had a behaviourist out to see him and she just aid oh he wants to be friends with the other dogs but that’s ok with me apart from why does he have to drag me half way across a field in the mean time and behave like he does towards them making other owners thing he is uncontrolled and will attack their dog and will avoid him like the plaque. I have other owners pick their dog up so he wouldn’t get near them and as soon as I explain he is trying to be social they are too scared of him by then. I have spent so much money out on this dog with halti's, non pull harness, behaviourist (which she was crap) and nearly all the gadgets going I have brought.

It’s like living with a lunatic and it’s not upsetting the other dog that is a support dog so I may have to take him back to the sanctuary though I really don’t want to have to do that cos I’m so attach to him now.

Does anyone have any suggestions please?
