
  1. N

    Torrent to Carl Barks comics with Donald Duck, Gladstone and uncle Scrooge, please?

  2. B

    my dog gets lonely and barks when left alone even if i just go into another room?

    how can i stop this iv tryed just ignoring him like the experts say but nothing seems to work, iv heard of these anti bark collars that play a high pitched noise that anoys them when they bark could this be a solution or is that crule,,,,, or should i get another dog so he has compnay.
  3. W

    My dog barks and afterwards whines?

    When there are people outside my dog barks(like a regular dog would) but right after she barks she whines. I'm not quite sure if there is something wrong or if it is her just being super vocal. By the way when she is barking and whining her tail is up so im sure she is being territoral just the...
  4. T

    My dog gets really excited and barks and whines and basically chokes himself when...

    ...we take him out? We recently got a new puppy, hes about 8 months old, and we took him to get his shots the other day. He behaves perfectly in the car but when we got out he obviously knew there were other dogs around and he flipped out. All the other dogs were calm and didnt even seem to pay...
  5. A

    Question about a rescued lurcher that barks, whines and looks like he wants to

    eat every dog that passing by.? Hi everyone I have a 18 month old lurcher who’s a rescue which barks, lunges and whines at every dog going so walks are like near impossible. He is so terrible that I dread going for a walk. He gets on ok with my other two dogs ok. As the lurcher is the...
  6. A

    Question about a rescued lurcher that barks, whines and looks like he wants to

    eat every dog that passing by.? Hi everyone I have a 18 month old lurcher who’s a rescue which barks, lunges and whines at every dog going so walks are like near impossible. He is so terrible that I dread going for a walk. He gets on ok with my other two dogs ok. As the lurcher is the...
  7. A

    Why does my dog whine when he barks?

    my 2 and a half german shepherd barks at anything he sees, especially other dogs, and when he barks he just goes crazy. he barks, whines and growls at the same time.It is the most annoying thing ever. how do i get him to stop, when i tell him "no" or "be quiet" he is quiet for a few minutes and...
  8. F

    My dog has separation anxiety. She whines and barks when left alone. Anyway I can

    stop this? We've tried turning on the TV and radio. Tried putting a sweater in with her. She just doesn't stop whining.
  9. D

    Why does my dog cry/whine when another dog barks at him?

    I've noticed that when I am walking him and we pass by another dog that might bark he whines like if he is scared of him. But he still wants to go up to the dog and smell him and if the dog gets very aggressive and keeps barking then he will bark back. I really don't understand if he is scared...
  10. G

    My cousins dog barks everytime he sees me and I'm afraid he'll even try to bite me.

    How do I get it to like me? The dog isn't big, butI need the dog to get used to me because I am going to be staying with my cousins for a year to commute for college at Stony Brook University. Any advice on how to at least get the dog to tolerate me and not try to attack me while I'm staying...
  11. E

    my 9 week old shih tzu whines and barks to try and get into our bed at night .?

    he sleeps in a crate with the door open for about two hours then wakes and wants up . i cant have him barking or whining because we live in an apartment and there are noise restrictions .What do i do ? when will he start sleeping longer? when he cries i comfort him until he calms down and i put...
  12. R

    Dog barks and whines when I leave my apartment?

    I have a one-year-old Pit Bull/Weimaraner mix who barks, whines, and howls every time I leave my apartment. It's so bad that another resident passed by my unit, heard the noise, and thought she was hurt. He contacted my landlord to get in touch with me. She also pees by the front door often...
  13. I

    What should I do with my four month old puppy who barks at everyone?

    My four month old puppy barks at every person and dog when I take her for a walk...should I punish her...what should I do when she barks...people say it's because she's young...but I don't see other dogs doing can I make her stop or will it just go away with time?