Premonition or coincidence ?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
In 2010, I had a dream of myself...standing beside a car (not my SUV) and the back passenger door was open. On the opposite side of the car, also at the back passenger side door...the door was open and an unknown man was standing there at the open door and his face was blurry and not the focus of the dream. I was helping him to clean this car (his car ?) and I was thinking that the car really wasn't all that dirty, but I leaned in the back and was cleaning the back windshield on the inside. He was standing and observing or helping me to clean it.

The next day, I posted about that dream on FaceBook...and what I thought my interpretation of that dream was and meant to me personally. What I wrote was that I thought maybe something from my past was about to be made more clear to me (because of the focus on the rear windshield). The vehicle itself maybe represented me, because we (our bodies) are kind of like "vehicles" for our carry around our spirits while we're here in the flesh.

WELL...a couple of months or a few weeks later...on September 2010, I found out that my biological father had passed away 2 years prior, in Oct. 2008. I was shocked to learn about this...and all because I clicked on my cousin's "" link on her FaceBook "Family Tree" invitation. I went to "" that day and for some reason, I did a search on my biological father (whom I'd never met but spoke to briefly on the phone 20 years earlier but was rejected by him, he didn't want to meet me...I would interfere with his current life with his wife and kids). So, I left him alone and didn't pursue having a relationship with him, although it hurt my feelings but understood his point of view, as well. He never knew about me until I was 19 years old when my Uncle told him about me. A year later, I spoke with him on the phone and that's when he told me to basically "leave him alone". And so I did.

Anyway...about two nights after I found out that he had died, I had a dream that was VERY vivid. I was on the phone and calling my bio. dad's wife and when she answered the phone, I asked for her by name and she corrected me and said that she had a new name...she was remarried. I was thinking in the dream that she didn't waste any time remarrying. I told her who I was and that I'd found out that he died and then suddenly I was in her den in her house instead of the phone. I was sitting on the sofa and she was sitting across from me and I asked her what my bio. dad had died from ? And she told me cancer...and then I asked what kind ? She said Lymphoma. Then I asked her what my dad's father died from (because I had noticed in real life...that his dad also passed away in July 2008, not long before my dad died)...and she told me that he also died from Lymphoma.

I woke up remembering every detail...there's more to it but I won't bore you with ALL the details...this is getting lengthy enough, LOL. I also wondered if Lymphoma was very hereditary and started worrying a little bit about that. Months went by and I kept that dream on my mind and also the fact that my bio. dad was now gone and I'd never be able to meet him.

On the day I went to the "" website, I hadn't thought much of him lately until that day and I did the search and found out that he had a death date listed. I researched this some more and found the funeral home website and I found his home address where I assumed his wife to still be living. I couldn't find any info. telling me what caused his death. The following April of 2011, I wrote his wife a letter with my condolences and hoped to find out why he died. After a month or so passed by and I never heard back from her...I decided to pay for a death certificate that I ordered online. I received it on the same day as a letter came from his wife and I learned from both of them that he had been diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in July 2008 but in August he had a motorcycle accident that gave him severe chest injuries among other things and landed him in the hospital for a month or so and he died from pneumonia because of the Lymphoma and chest injuries. He was only 55 years old. point is, I had found out my bio. dad died...I dreamed that he had Lymphoma only later to find out that he really did have Lymphoma, although the motorcycle accident was the acute cause that landed him in the hospital, getting pneumonia and not being able to fight it because of his Lymphoma, which since he had an advanced stage of it...probably had already affected his lungs before the accident. The first dream about cleaning the windshield...seems to have been a premonition that I was going to learn something about my past...meaning my biological dad.